Six | 六

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"Don't mind! Don't mind!" Yui patted our backs as she tried to lighten the mood, "We still have an entire set to go! The game isn't over yet!"

"You're right, Just because the set isn't in our favor means nothing! Let's blow them away with this next one!" Eiko cheered, the fire reignited within us. We all gathered in a circle once more as Yui put her arm in "Let's make this set count!" Yui encouraged us and we all put our arms in after.

"Karasuno fight!"

It was Ohgiminami's serve and the Captain of the team swirled the ball around in her hands "She wasn't in the last set was she?" Mao asked and Ami nodded her head "We dont know what tricks she has up her sleeves".

Everyone tensed up as Seiko tossed the ball in the air and served it, instead of the colors on the ball swirling; they stayed still from the spike.

"A float serve?!" I gasp as I aligned myself with the trajectory of the ball, moving forward and back as I tried to guess the unpredictability. No one knows how to preform a float-serve, so we never really practiced against it.

"I think I got i-ghh" the smile I had was wiped out by the ball as it slammed against my face and my body flew back from the force; the ball flew into the air and stayed in play. "C-chance ball!" Moe received the ball as she called out to the rest of the team.

She quickly passed the ball over to Ami who preformed a quick setter dump that was blocked and shoved onto our side. The ball hit the ground, giving Ohgiminami the first point.

All the girls ran over towards me as I sat up, "Did we get it?" my voice came out as dazed; Yui shook her head, "No- Do you want to sit on the bench?" lifting the rest of my body off the floor, I got into reciving position "I can still play coach!" I insisted as my legs shook underneath me.

"Wow! I can see why she and Hinata get along so well!" Tanaka cackled as he slapped Hinata's back, Hinata's face and the other were blue from the shock of the play. Suga shivered as he watched in horror "She just got right back up..." Daichi nodded his head in response "Perhaps she has a concussion and can't tell that her body is failing"

Tsukishima fixed his glasses as the hall got riled up from the game. Everyone was on the edge of their seat to see who will come out on top during the second set. "Why are people getting so loud, Power Puff only took a ball to the face" Tsukishima paused and Yamaguchi looked up at him to only see his usual grin "You know what, that's actually kind of funny" he chuckled; Yamaguchi smiled and shook his head disapprovingly "You're such a sadist."


Ohgiminami was leading the set again with a 9-11 score, We slowly became more frustrated as all of our attack got blocked; the boys' were feeling it too with Hinata slamming his head on the railing and Tanaka leaning so far onto it that if he were to move anymore forward, he would fall. "Why are they getting so worked up? It's just a practice match." Tsukishima stated blatantly.

Still, even though they have height, Karasuno is much faster. I suspect someone on the team is reading their movements and if I'm right it's that setter...

Tsukishima's eyes landed on me and noticed how intensely I was staring at the ball, a whole circus could've walked in and I still wouldn't have noticed, a small unconscious smirk pulled at his lips but it quickly faded once he realized it was there and he quickly looked back up to the ball.

I dug at the ball that was spiked from one of the girls and rolled back up onto my feet after pushing it up with my palm "Yui!" Ami called and tossed it to her quickly, she slammed it over the net onto the opposing sides floor. Their Libero picked herself back up from the floor after attempting to save it. A whistle blew as Yui called for a time out; we all grabbed drinks and towels to wipe off our sweat.

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