All I Ask

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Inspired By The Video Of Nine Singing 'All I Ask' In The Shower :)

{Joong's POV}

As I do my nightly skin care routine, I listen to the continuous running of water sounding from the bathroom on the other side of this wall. P'Nine is taking a shower and I'm waiting for him to be done so we can have those late night talks that go on into the early hours of the morning at times. Those are some of my favourite moments with Phi because we're just lay comfortably in each others presence, being honest and genuine as we talk about the most random, yet sometimes serious, topics.

Tonight, like the past few nights, P'Nine joins me in sleeping at Motive Village. You see, I have a reason to be here - that being P'Toei drives me to my Mafia Series shooting in the mornings so it's easier for me to just sleep here instead of at Nine's. On the other hand, however, in P'Nine's case, that isn't the reasoning. I like to think it's because Phi misses me and can't be without me for more than a few days at most but who am I to think that? Phi rarely admits things like that so I really wouldn't be surprised if my thoughts on the situation turn out to be expectedly false. But I can always hope. It'd be nice to know that Phi misses me like I miss him.

Since Covid made it so I've been living with him for 3 months, I've found that we've inevitably become - somehow - even closer than before, even if we have our quarrels; but isn't that to be expected? But now that I have to go back to filming for my new series, I've had to part from Nine and that's made me realise how different it really is without Nine around 24/7. I'd tell him all this, but the thing is, Nine isn't one for being vocal about emotions such as love, missing someone, etc- wait did I say 'love'?

Who am I kidding? It's obvious, especially as of late, that I'm crushing on P'Nine. The Covid situation wasn't much help either as it only increased my love and care for Nine even more. I like him. I can't deny it. Gotta keep it on the down low though, you know? Don't want things getting awkward...

Something other than the noise of constant water comes from the bathroom, and I realise that P'Nine is singing in the shower again, giving his own little concert. It's not the first time this has happened, and it's very entertaining so I decide to open up Instagram and capture his voice for an IG Story. At first I don't pay much attention to what he's singing - I'm just chuckling quietly to myself as I hit record - but after tagging Nine and writing my caption, having listened to it back, something tugs at my heart as my lips form a small smile.

"Hold me like I'm more than just a friend~ Give me a memory I can use~"

He's singing Adele's 'All I Ask' and subconsciously I start singing along with him until he changes songs. I remember that those specific lyrics I got recorded where used as the caption for the post about MingKit's solo episode where it was just about the development of mine and Nine's characters. As biased as it sounds, it's my favourite episode. That and episode 6. Episode 6 because I had my first kiss then, and episode 9 because Ming and Kit finally got together as well as having yet another kiss that I enjoyed. Going back to the song, it made me have a hint of hope that maybe, just maybe, P'Nine feels the same. But I have my doubts. It's hard to even look for any hints so it's not like I have any evidence to back up any suspicious or what not. But it's fine. As long as I still have him in my life, forever and always, then that's good enough for me.

Eventually P'Nine walks into the room in his over sized t-shirt and boxers and he joins me on the floor as we proceed to start our night routine, applying all sorts of facial products before settling down on the bed. Soon Nine sees the story I tagged him in and lightly throws a pillow my way but there wasn't much aggression behind it so it barely reached me.

"Oi P'Joong!" he whines, pulling the blanket over his head. "That's embarassing... I was so loud.."

I chuckle softly, gently tugging at the blanket but he was persistent on covering his face up. "You weren't that loud P'. Just loud enough to get you on video."


"You like singing anyway, what's the problem about hearing you this time? You were just giving a concert to the ghost in the room."

"There was no ghost, but a spider."

"A spider?"

"Yeah there was a spider in the corner of the room."

"Ah, did he enjoy the show?"

Nine shrugs, letting the blanket fall down finally. "I hope so."

"Im sure he did. But seriously, what's the problem?"

"You weren't meant to hear it..."

"P' that's ridiculous. I hear you singing all the time and not once have you complained about it ever - until now."

"No, you weren't supposed to hear that song.."

"Huh?" I sit up, placing my phone somewhere in the bed to be lost later on, and edge closer to Nine with curiosity etched on to my face. I don't understand what he means.

He sighs, looking everywhere but at me. "There's no point avoiding it. This conversation was yet to happen and I can't delay it any longer I suppose."

"P', please, what are you on about?" but I'm answered with silence so I sit patiently and wait.

"You know I'm not good with expressing certain emotions right?" He says finally, looking me briefly in the eyes.

"I do, and that's okay."

I see the slight smile forming on his face before he furrows his eyebrows again, frowning at the floor. "And I like to express feelings through songs sometimes if I get.. Frustrated or confused, lost perhaps. Sometimes lyrics hide a more powerful meaning than any sentence I could ever muster up and so that would have to do."

"I.. I'm- I'm at a loss. What point are you getting at here P'?"

Rubbing his index finger over his temples, he takes a deep breath and looks me dead in the eyes with no smile, but no anger. "I meant what I sang."

"The 'All I Ask' lyrics?"

"Yes." he breathes out, looking away shyly again. "I'm not oblivious to your stares and touches, Joong. I see it in your eyes, I see it in your behaviour. It took me a while for it to register, but it became clear and from them on, I observed all the little things you did even more than I did before. You might not have noticed, but I did them back - just less obviously. Through doing that.. I realised how much you mean to me..."

"P'-" I attempt to make an input but Nine just shushes me and continues on.

"I do want you to hold me like I'm more than just a friend. I do want you to give me a memory I can use, that I can't stop replaying in my head."

"You... You do?" I can't quite believe my mere hopes became reality but I sure am not complaining. In fact I'm all for it.

"Of course, Joong. Did you not notice it yourself?"

"To be honest P', I just though you were doing it to please the fans, or to make it so it didn't look one sided. I mean, sure, I had my hopes, but my hopes weren't too high up and I had my doubt but heck was I wrong."

By now I can't stop the beaming smile on my face upon hearing this information. Knowing that my P'Nine reciprocates the same feelings makes me the happiest man on earth I swear. I can see the blush rising to his cheeks at my obvious joy.

"I'm taking this whole pleased look of yours," he starts, gesturing at my excitement and happiness. "As a 'yes' to the question I haven't even asked yet."

I nod, lunging forward to envelope him in a big hug that ends up with him sat in my lap, head against my chest with my arms around his waist.

"Be my boyfriend?"

"Of course." I reply, lifting his chin up to connect our lips in a soft but loving kiss.

He hums in contentment as he snuggles further into me. I laugh and settles us both into bed properly, listening to the calming sound of the rain as we drifted off to sleep.

JᴏᴏɴɢNɪɴᴇ ☺︎︎ MɪɴɢKɪᴛ || 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now