Make Me Forget 🔞

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{Nine's POV}


Fucking. Heartbroken. That's how I'm feeling. Make that into a list actually and add confused, betrayed, sad, and angry to it.

I'm frustrated and upset, yet baffles about the whole ordeal. Was I not good enough? Did I do something wrong? I can't even begin to fathom a plausible explanation for the situation. I'm at a loss for words, sat alone in a crowded bar, resting in a secluded booth by the wall finding comfort within various alcoholic bevarages in order to soothe the pain in my heart, in hopes to drink away my problems. To make me feel numb. To make me forget.

Had I been more aware, perhaps I could have stopped it getting to such a point, stopped it ending in such a heart break resulting in me being in more pain than necessary - than I deserve. But I can't change the past and I'm stuck being el saddo...

As the night carries on, I feel like someone's eyes are burning into my head from such an intense stare but whenever I look up, I see no one. That is until this time when I catch a handsome young man standing across the bar with, who I presume is, his group of friends. He doesn't look mean, nor aggressive, in fact he looks quite the gentleman. But my gosh his stare is intense. I hadn't even realised how long I had been staring into those chocolate eyes of his until I noticed that he seemed to be getting closer.

As he approached I could see his tanned skin which was beautiful, the way that tight shirt of his outlined his evident muscles and abs, and how he overall just looked.. Stunning. I'm supposed to be drowning out my sadness from being cheated on but man it's so hard to not think about this guy when he just looks so damn good. All this alcohol is doing stuff to me...

Eventually the guy arrives at my table, leaning on it with one elbow, a drink his other hand looking very much.. I might as well just admit it at this point. Sexy. "Hey."

"I- hi.." and I'm stuttering because...? Come on Nine, get it together. I clear my throat and straighten up. "Hi. Can I do anything for you?"

"You could show me a smile?" He suggests, raising an eyebrow.


"You've been sat here for the past hour now, downing all sorts of drinks, looking all sad and gloomy. At no point throughout the time I've been looking over at you have you shown a single smile on your face."

"And that worries you because...?"

He sighs, standing up a bit straighter now. "Because a guy like you looks extremely gorgeous - especially in the stunning outfit you present yourself in tonight. You look beautiful-"

"-Handsome." I interject, playfully rolling my eyes, and to my own shock - a small smile threatening to appear but I hold it back.

"Handsome, yes, apologies. But why not both?"

"Whatever floats your boat..."

"Carrying on, you look like a model. Why such a frown?"

"My problems don't concern you if I remember correctly?"

"Doesn't mean to say they can't."

Not knowing what to say, I give him a stare before downing the rest of my drink.

"Easy now. You've been at it none stop. Now please don't get the wrong impression of me, but I mean well and want to know whether you're okay because this level of drinking is not good and you know it."

"I'm fine."

He gives me a displeased look before making himself comfortable on the chair opposite me.

JᴏᴏɴɢNɪɴᴇ ☺︎︎ MɪɴɢKɪᴛ || 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now