#56 Can I kiss you?

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The gymnasium had finally simmered down at four o'clock in the morning and silence stretched throughout

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The gymnasium had finally simmered down at four o'clock in the morning and silence stretched throughout. I listened to the mingling sounds of heavy breathing as I lay wedged in between Harris and Tia snuggled down in my purple sleeping bag struggling to drift off. 

Put your phone on silent. 

The screen of my phone came to life and I quickly grabbed it to shove it under my cover so the light didn't disturb anyone. It was from Liam who lay on the other side of the room next to the jocks but I didn't understand the message. 

It is. X

Gutted your phone was on silent, I wanted the text tone to go off and wake everyone up. 

You're sick X

Everyone's asleep, even the chaperones. Follow me out in five minutes. Bring your sleeping bag.

I turned to see movement as Liam scurried out of the gym. Nobody reacted to him leaving. The clock on my phone ticked down five minutes and I stood up grabbing my bag ready to follow Liam. He wasn't in the corridor but the door was open to the outside soccer pitch so I assumed he had gone out. 

The cool air hit me as soon as I stepped out but it wasn't cold. The pitch was lit up by four powerful floodlights in each corner radiating a decent amount of brightness to the center where Liam stood laying out his opened sleeping bag on the grass. As I approached him he handed me one of his hoodies and I must have looked befuddled because he offered an explanation. 

"Put it on, your PJs are always so skimpy." 

I curled my lip upwards with distaste at his insult but slipped the navy blue Adidas hoodie over my head. Pulling up the collar over my nose and inhaling deeply as I closed my eyes high off his fumes. Then I realized that I had just done that right in front of him so I dropped the hoodie instantly and opened my eyes mortified. 

"Did you just smell that?" He looked at me blankly like he couldn't quite comprehend what he had just seen. And I could feel my cheeks betraying my coolness. 

"I was checking to see if it was clean, it is." I lied while I mentally face palmed myself. 

"You're so weird" he said lying down on his sleeping bag and patting the space next to him indicating for me to lay down. He then threw my sleeping bag over us like a blanket and turned to face me slipping prayer hands under his face for a makeshift pillow. I copied his stance putting our faces merely a few inches apart. 

"I'm sorry." He started, leaving me bewildered. 

"For what?" I asked 

"For walking out." My heart started racing, so now he wanted to talk. That happened hours ago and I'm honestly over it now. 

"It's been on my mind all night, it was such a shitty thing to do. Its just... seeing you drink to that made everything so much harder." 

"Why?" My voice was low as hopeful anticipation built up in my chest. 

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now