Chapter Two - Pure Imagination

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The moon continued to shine luminously as the water started to flicker different shades of hues.

It was precisely like the earlier situation when those strange happenings began.

Jaehyun looked at Ri who had her eyes shut. He knew what was going to happen but he did not want to let her go.

Without even thinking he grabbed the end of her dress to pull her back but the current was too strong resulting in the dress tearing.

He lost his grip as she was sucked into something that looked like a black hole in the water. Maybe it was a time entrance to another realm.

Jaehyun looked at the material of fabric in his hands. It was a huge chunk of what looked like cotton. But only commoners use cloth such as this.

Being the fabric to his nose. Jaehyun smelt her fragrance imprinted on the cloth. Oh, how it smelled so nice.

He looked at the material once more as a sad smile adorned his face. He could not believe she just slipped away from his grasp.

Make no mistake Jaehyun will look for her and when he finds her. She will be his.

Little did he know he next time he sees her. He will be king...

Ri's pov

The morning of sunlight hit my face waking me up in the process. I groaned irritatedly trying to fall asleep again but it was of no use.

I rubbed my eyes as I sat up ready to get up from my comfy bed.

I walked towards the mirror looking at my tired reflection. I ran my slender fingers down my long brown locks recalling her dream I lived last night.

The same dream required for the past week. Although the dream was pure imagination apart was the truth that manifested itself to complete fantasy.

It was a fact that I fell into the pond but I have never laid eyes on the boy in my entire life. He was absolutely nothing less than perfection. Yes, someone as handsome as him can only exist in the realm of dreams and fantasy, not in reality.

But who was he? Why did his presence give me a sense of comfort? Does he even exist? Or is it a figment of my imagination?

After my parents rescued me after nearly drowning I could not seem to remember anything prior after falling in. I did not know where I was and such. Truth be told I can still not remember exactly what happened that night to this day.

After getting ready for school I rushed out of my house saying goodbye to parents.

I can not believe it has been ten years since the incident at the pond. I am sixteen years of age and a senior in high school. Well, eleventh grade to be exact.

I still pass the pond every day on my way to and from but I like to keep my distance.

Well, not today!

As I walked past the pond I noticed a young boy was pushed in by a group of what looked like bullies.

I looked at the boy begging to be saved. His legs we're trying to keep him afloat as his hands slashed water all around. He gasped for air as he sunk underwater once again.

I shouted for them to stop but those cowards ran off leaving the boy to meet his watery end. Well not on my watch.

I yelled for help but there was not a single soul in sight. I was getting late for school but that no longer mattered. This boy's life was far more precious.

I lunged into the cold ice water swimming to reach the boy in time. I grabbed his hands pulling him to the surface.

Suddenly there was a group of people who stood there waiting to help us. A man gripped the boy's hand pulling him on dry land to safety.

But when it was my turn I felt something dragging me underwater. But they was no one at all

I could not breathe. I could not see anything except for bright colours that shimmered around me.

It was so cold and lonely. Was this the end?

I was going to perish here?

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