Chapter Twenty - Bewildered

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A small smile hung on the emperor's perfectly sculpted face as the midday sun shined brightly in the deep blue sky.

His hands rested on her stomach trying to feel his baby's presence. His gaze melted with pure bliss when Ri's small fingers rested on top of his instinctively earning a light chuckle from the king.

Suddenly hearing his velvet voice Ri's beautiful eyes fluttered open as his long fingers caressed her cheeks. He lowered his head to her level as he leaned in to taste her lips.

Unexpectedly a figure came budging through their room door completely destroying the moment.

"My son! Is it true? Is she with child? Is she expecting our future heir?" Asked the emperor's mother as a wave of excitement surrounded her.

At his mother's words, Ri's eyes widen as she sat up while her long hair brushed on her face.

"Yes, mother! She is pregnant so she needs all the rest possible because her body is weak!" Said Jaehyun trying to avoid his wife's gaze.

Ri had a strong glance of confusion smacked on her face as she looked totally bewildered at his statement.

She was carrying a child inside of her but had no clue of it.

"My my, that is wonderful news! Okay, then I will give you to love birds some privacy! Congratulations!" Said the queen mother taking her leave.

Upon being alone the room was filled to silence as no one uttered a single word. Not until glossy tears dripped down Ri's soft cheeks.

Ri's pov

Tears clouded my vision and fell on my hand as I lowered my head.

I was crying because I was confused with myself. In this situation, I am supposed to be crying because I do not want this baby but in reality, it is the exact opposite.

I was bewildered why having a little baby with him made my heart skip a beat with pure happiness. Should I not hate this child but the problem was I can not.

This little life growing inside of me is mine. Mine to love. Mine to protect. The little baby that I will absolutely adore abundantly so how can I possibly hate such a precious creature. All children are a blessing from god and my heart can not await for the time I can hold the bundle of joy in my arms.

But why did his man have such power over me? He always makes me cry and always forces himself on me. Does bad things to me but in special moments, I can see a glimpse of his heart.

Why when he is around me there are tingling sensations down my spine. Ever times his manly fingers touch my skin, it burns. Just why? Why does he turn my own body against me? I want to feel hostility towards him but I can not. Why do I yearn for his touch? Why do I want to see his smile? Why does he do this to me?

Without thinking more tears traced down my cheeks as the emperor picked up my chin looking into my brown orbs.

"There is no reason to cry!" Said the king as he caressed my face, wiping the tears that ran down my cheek.

I removed his hands and looked the other way refusing to meet his gaze. I got off the bed and tried to leave the room but he grabbed my wrist.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked as his hands slipped onto my waist pulling my body onto his.

His large wrapped against my waist as my head rested on his muscle built chest taking in the scent of his manly cologne as it brushed against my nose.

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