Chapter Ten - Escape

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A small ray of sunlight hit Ri's face as her eyelashes fluttered open. She looked out of the open window and realized it was daybreak.

She woke up from her deep slumber because of that dream. Why would her imagination ever create something as vile as that?

Tears sprung to the surface as she thought of giving her chastity to that monster. What if her dream comes true? What if her dream becomes reality?

Ri tried to move but noticed a hand wrapped around her waist. She looked over her shoulder I saw him!

The king of her nightmares.

His eyes were closed as a small smile could be seen on his still lips. How could someone so ruthless, look so peaceful while sleeping? He almost looked innocent, the type to never hurt a fly. But he was the opposite in reality and that is a fact.

Before her dream ever gets the opportunity to come true, she had to get out of there. That was when Ri made up her made to escape.

She carefully removed the king's hand from her waist not wanting him to wake up. When she was able to, she attempted to hurry off the bed but was unsuccessful. A hand yanked her wrist.

"And where the hell, do you think you are going?" Asked the king.

That was when Ri knew she messed up.

Jaehyun's pov

I had awoken because I felt movement on the bed. I noticed that Ri was trying to leave the room and before she got the chance I had to stop her.

"And where the hell, do you think you are going?" I interrogated unamused at the situation as I yanked her wrist.

"Err no way!" Said Ri trying to pull her wrist free from my grasp.

"Are you trying to run away by any chance?" I asked my clutched on her wrist tightly.

"No, I am not!" She mumbled as her lips trembled as I pulled her on the bed pushing her on the mattress.

"Do not lie to me!" I said as I hovered over her desirable form.

"Please let me go!" Pleaded Ri as I pined her wrist on top of her head.

"No, tell me the truth, why were you running away!" I inquired wanting to milk the truth out of her.

"I was scared you would do something to me." Whispered Ri as she looking away.

"Something like this?" I questioned pulling her robe off her shoulders.

"No, please do n..." Ri cried out before I covered her mouth with my hand.

My lips pressed against her collar bone trailing kisses down her neck. Sucking on the soft skin. When I kiss her body or when touch her, I do not have the will power to stop.

This woman makes me desire her more and more with each passing day.

Suddenly her tears bring me back to earth. I looked at her beautiful face that tears running down her cheeks stopping my hand. I let go of her wrist and her mouth. As she massaged her wrist, I could see red marks. Did I do that? Her body is so fragile, I could break it without even trying. I have to be more careful.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to scare you." I whispered against her ear.

"I am still tried so stay here until I wake up!" I said laying next to her.

My fingers caressed her cheeks wiping her tears away. My hands wrapped around her and I pulled her body closer to mine. I placed my chin on her shoulder as I back hugged her. My nose drowned in the lovely fragrance of her hair as I drifted off to sleep.

Why do I love her so much?

Ri's pov

I gazed at the ceiling that hard golden patterns designed on them. I waited for him to fall off to sleep for real this time.

He kidnapped me, who knows what he would do to me if I remained here. I actually do not want to stay and find out.

Finally, I am sure he is asleep. I removed the blanket along with his arms. I carefully tucked a pillow in my place.

I left the room but there were guards everywhere. I managed to stay in the shadow until a voice called out.

"Hey girly, what are you doing?" Said the unknown person.

I turned around and saw a boy a little older than me. He is going to get me caught and I can not let that happen.

"Who are you?" I asked hoping he could help.

"I am the fourth prince Jaemin!" Said the stranger.

"Are you the king's little brother?" I inquired.

"Yes, I am but why are your clothes so lose. Are you one of my brother's concubines? Perhaps you are trying to leave for another man. If that is the cause I will inform my brother right now! Guards..." I pulled his robe as I covered his mouth to prevent him from taking any farther.

"Like chill please, I am not your brother's concubine or do I want to be. I just need to get out of here. Please help me!" I begged as he removed me my small hands from his mouth.

"Okay, I will help you on one condition!" Said the fourth prince.

"Fourth Prince, what is it?" I asked with sparkling eyes.

"Call me Jaemin and the condition is, be my friend." Said Jaemin.

"I accept, so lead the way!" I said as he led me to the opening gate of the castle undetected.

"Thank you Jaemin!" I waved running out of the castle without looking back once.

I ran passed long trees and grass to get home. Finally, once I reached home, grandmother was waiting for me.

"Ri, why did you take so long?" She said showing me a letter that said I went for a morning wake.

It must have been that wicked king that wants to ruin my life.

"Umm, I stopped by the village and helped a lady that wanted help to carry her stack of firewood so invited me for lunch. So that is why I was so long." I felt bad for lying but I could not tell the truth in this situation.

"Okay, darling, go have a nice bath." Said grandma and that is what I did.

I went to the bathroom and stripped out of my robe. Every time I touch my skin, I remember him. I stepped into the hot water as my body relaxes. I can not believe that Jaemin is so much different from his other brother.

Once I got out of the bathroom I changed and headed to the kitchen but everything was dark. The candles had gone out. It felt like something straight from a horror movie. Fear consumed my thoughts.

Suddenly, hands wrapped around my waist as a husky voice could be heard.

"I got you. Did you really think you could escape from me!"

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