Chapter Five - Ancient Korea

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The rain poured down heavily as the water droplets hit the glass window giving a sense of comfort.

Ri sat in the warm bath as the hot water warmed her cold body. She has never seen a bathing system like this before.

The old lady explained that only the king has the resources to store hot water. Ordinary villagers had to heat their own bathing water.

Her hands reached to rinse her long hair as loud sounds of thunder filled the night sky.

Suddenly, the door opened traveling the old lady who had clothes in her hand.

"My dear, are you done now?" Asked the lady with a tender smile.

"I am almost, I just have to wash my back," Ri said as she smiled back at her savior.

"Here, let me help you!" Said the lady before Ri could protest.

"My dear, you are so beautiful and have such soft skin!" Said the lady as she washed Ri's petite back.

"Thank you so much! I do not know what I would have done if you had not seen me! Thank you for having such a kind heart towards me!" Said Ri while holding her tears back.

"No problem dear, I have never had the chase to experience the love of a daughter. I only bared sons but I always longed to have a daughter, but could never. But now I have you! So please call me grandmother!" Said the lady while kissing Ri's forehead.

"By the way grandmother, where are we?" Asked the younger girl with a curious look on her face.

"We are in the kingdom of Emperor Jung Jaehyun." Said the grandmother.

Emperor...but is this not Korea.
No, this is ancient Korea under the rule of King Jaehyun, the third emperor of the Jung dynasty.

Ri's pov

The wind blew heavy by the river bank as the water splashed coming into contact with the hand rock.

A month has passed since I came to this world. Everything is so different from the lifestyle I was used too. From the clothes to the food. From the devices to the buildings.

But this ancient Korea is not so bad, there is beauty everywhere. From the morning sky to the pretty flowers. This world is not so bad.

I stepped on the rock near the water. As I got closer I filled the two wooden buckets to the fullest. I need to for today's household activities.

The buckets were heavy as I tried to carry them. As heavy as it was I managed to carry them to the flower meadow.

I stopped to catch my breath. I was going to trip because this traditional dress was too long.

 I was going to trip because this traditional dress was too long

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As I sat on the glass someone called.

"Hey princess, you need help?" I looked up to see Hongjoong.

He was grandmother's youngest grandson. He was only six years older than me so that makes him twenty-one.

"Hello, joonie Oppa(big brother). Yes, I do need help, it is too heavy!" I said as he shot me a cute smile.

"No problem, I was actually waiting for you! I asked grandmother and she said you would here so..." Said Hongjoong with a shy tone.

"That is so sweet of you!" I said giggling at his sweet gesture.

We walked all the way home talking about random stories. Every since I got here he has been very kind towards me. This family never made me feel out of place but more like a family member.

As we walked through the forest I can not help but sense someone following us...maybe it is just my imagination.

Jaehyun's pov

Sitting on my on the wooden chair with gold designs craft into it. I looked at the oh so many paintings I have of her.

This huge room was dedicated to Ri. Looking at my newest addition of her painting. I stared at her attractive body and her beautiful face. A gorgeous smile played on her lips. Happiness danced in those fascinating brown orbs of hers. Her sweet skin and her womanly curves under that thin robe. A striking beautiful she is.

Just everything about Ri's existence makes me yearn for her. How much longer do I have to wait to make her mine?

My train of thought came to an end when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who comes here and for what reason?" I asked curiously because this room is off-limits.

"My lord, it is Jeno and I have come with the daily report regarding the girl who has taken your interest, Sire." Said the young boy whom I trust.

"Come in!" I called wanting to hear about Ri.

"Master, she was spotted by the river collecting water. That is not all, she also accompanied back by the old lady's grandson. There are growing closer. I overheard Hongjoong talking to his grandmother about her hand..." Said Jeno.

"Speed up the plan! I will not lose her to a mere commoner!" I said as pure rage shot through my veins.

"As you wish, my King!" Said Jeno.

"Jeno, you have been serving me for years now. I trust you. See to it that all the preparations are done for tomorrow." I said patting his back.

"Yes, of course, sire!" He said bowing and taking his leave.

My dear angel, I can hardly wait to see you at the parade tomorrow...

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