Chapter Nine - Taken

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The illuminating rays of moonlight escaped through the open window and lit up Ri's gorgeous face.

Her long black lashes fluttered open as pure shock could be seen in those beautiful brown orbs of hers.

Ri looked into Jaehyun's eyes. She wondered what the all mighty king was in her bedroom and why will he not leave her alone.

Jaehyun knew what she was going to do so his large hand wrapped around her mouth preventing Ri from screaming.

Shit, this was bad, Jaehyun did not think she was going to wake up. Why did this have to get harder?

"Hush, if you cause a commotion then I am going to 'eat' you!" Said Jaehyun as his hand released the grip on her mouth.

"Eat me!" Whispered Ri not knowing whether joking or not.

"Yes, I will eat you up so pleasingly you will beg me for more!" Said Jaehyun as his fingers stroked her bare thigh.

At that comment, Ri tried to push him off her but Jaehyun took the opportunity to trap her small hands above her head.

He used his other free hand to get a search for a small pill he placed in his robe early.

"Here, swallow this or else..." Threatened Jaehyun as he positioned the sleeping pill in between her pink lips.

A few tears ran down her face as she swallowed the pill out of fear. Ri looked into his golden eyes for the last time before her vision gets clouded by black as sleep took over.

Jaehyun's pov

As she closed her eyes my heart ached to see her tears. Why do I always make her cry?

I wrapped her sleeping body with the blanket as I wipe the tears away. My lips touched her forehead for a brief peck as I gently carried her making my way outside the house.

"Your Highness, you are finally back!" Said Mark happily.

"Yes, Mark, now be quiet!" I said while caressing Ri's cheek.

"Wow, she looks truly beautiful like an angel!" Said Mark loudly.

"I know!" I said while staring at Ri's stunning face.

"But your majesty..." Spoke Mark before his words were interrupted.

"Mark, would be you please shut up! You are going to wake up the whole village with your loud voice!" Said Jeno.

When we arrived at the castle. I did not want to be spotted anymore at least not this moment.

I walked in my personal bedroom chambers with her in my arms. I placed Ri on the bed as I laid down beside her.

Ri's pov

The sky was still dark as I opened my eyes. My vision was still blurry while my head felt dizzy. I looked around and noticed I was alone in this large room.

My one hand massaged my forehead as I pulled the other, I discovered my wrist was chained to the rim of the bedstand.

My night robe was loosely tied exposing my chest as my thighs.

"Are you awake now?" Asked a scary familiar voice.

"No need to be afraid this is my bedroom, not a jail!" Said the king.

"Please stop treating me like this! Please let me be!" I begged as the king sat on the bed moving closer towards me.

"How can I let you go? You are now my prisoner!" Said the king as he caressed my cheek.

"Moreover, your skin is so soft!" He said as his large fingers stroked my bare thigh.

I have no idea why everywhere he touches my skin is like electric shocks.

"What are you going to do to me? I am not your toy!" I said as he pushed me down to the bed.

"Do not act so innocent. You know what I am going to do to you!" Said the king as he pressed his cold lips against mine.

The kiss was long and passionate as I tried to push him off my he refused to let go of my lips. The king bit my lower lips as I grasped. He took that opportunity as slipped his tongue into my hot mouth.

Finally, he pulled out as I catcher my breath.

"I was very upset when I saw you with that Hongjoong guy! I thought I warned you! I am going to kill them all!" Said the king.

"Your Highness, please forgive me! Please let them live. You can do whatever you want to me!" I said hoping he would understand.

"And what if I do not then?" Asked the king.

"I am ready to give up my life here, and now!"

"Fine then, I get to do whatever! Strip right now!" Said the king as he used his sword to break the chain.

I moved out of the bed as I let my robe fall on the floor as his piercing eyes stared at my bare body.

He walked over to me and his fingers trailed down my body. His hands squeezed my breast as he moved closer to my neck. Sucking my soft spot.

The king threw me on the bed and hovered over my nude form. I can not believe this monster is going to be my first time.

Without even waiting he pushed his long member into my womanhood.

In the shock of the moment. I opened my eyes wondering if that was a dream...

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