Ch.30 Walk through the forest

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So, there was a forest near adora amd glimmers house called the Whispering Woods. I dont know why but I guess it was kinda creepy.

I was just out for a walk on my own, taking in the cool air and how beautiful the forest was. The plants looked healthy and well taken care of for wild plants. It was so nice to get out of the town and into some place quiet.

I just continued to walk before I froze, hearing a twig snap. I looked around only to see a decently big, light brown animal.

Holy crap. It was a white tail.(White tail deer for full name I guess)  I have never seen one up close before and I know these guys have a great sense of smell and hearing which confused me. Black tail and white tail normally dont let people get so close, especially because of their sensitive hearing and smell. How did this thing not let out a warning call when I was 50-75 yards away?

(it is amazing what these guys can do. I SWEAR if I saw one I would cry. If ya want deer info I would die just to do a Q&A just for Animals or anything.)

I froze, just looking at the deer. I looked at its antlers and realized this deer was decently old and strong because it looked strong and it had a 4 by 4 rack. Sure, they can get bigger get this but this is my first time seeing one like this.

I watched as it walked closer cautiously before it nuzzled me. I smiled and carefully raised my hand to pet it and it let me. 'This is the best fucking day of my life right next to me dating Adora, Holy shit.' I thought.

"Hey little guy. What are you doing here?" I questioned only to be nuzzled some more. Luckily, I wasnt stabbed by the nice antlers it had.

"Hmmm....I'll call you... Connor."( At least he isnt an android...get.the.reference.PLEASE)

I smiled before I realized how late it was... these guys are normally out at sunrise and sunset, bedding down during the heat of the day...I need to get back.

I stopped petting the kind, very brave white tail buck and began to walk the way I came. I could hear it following me but I didnt mind. It can do whatever it wants. I cant stop it but....I dont want it to get hurt." Go back to your group buddy." I called over my shoulder quietly.

I yawned, starting to see some lights through the trees. I had been walking for a while so I should be close. I looked over my shoulder to see that the kind deer had left me alone and probably returned to its home. Thank god. I didnt want to have to explain why a 116 lbs animal had followed me home. Especially since Im not known for-...pets.

I looked down when I heard a meow, looking at what made the sound. It was a large cat that went up to my knees. It was a house cat with short fur. It was a weird brownish red color like purple? How do I explain this. Anyway, I love it and now it is mine.

I sat down next to it and smiled, watching as it walked over. Why does it trust me? Good question.

"Heyy there little buddy. "I said, reaching out to pet the cat but ended up getting bit instead." Hey!" I said, pulling my hand back." That wasnt nice!" 'What is with me and aninals today?' I sighed when the cat calmed down after a while of sitting with it.

I pet the nice kitten now." Hey, now you wanna be nice?" I questioned, thinking of a name for the 'nice' cat.

"How about I call you.....

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ignore me because im dumb XD

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