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Gustavo's POV

   She walked out on me, again?? I can't even believe I came across her again, but she wasn't as tough as the last time. Maybe she really changed.
   Some moments after she left, an average height Petit short haired lady came to take my order, I can't believe miss Brooks sent someone to come take my order. I expected her to ignore me and walk away, but she was actually calm and although she left, she still sent someone. As I waited for my order, a call from Jacob, my secretary came in informing me of a brief meeting.
I can't believe I'm going to miss my breakfast, or Maybe I don't have to.
"Uhm....waiter?" I called out, but turned to see miss Brooks on the counter. She wasn't in the world. "Miss Brooks?" I called out, sounding all professional and stuff, but still no answer. Immediately, the Petit woman came out and I quickly signaled to her. After that was done, I left.
  "This better be quick" I muttered to myself as I stepped out of the Café. I didn't need to drive, the tower was just some blocks away. It just felt nice to walk and think freely without having to hoot at anyone or car.

    ** ** ** ** **
Few moments later, we were done with the meeting. Turned out the meeting was with my idiot buddy, Mark.
   "Dude, there's this new restaurant that opened down town. Not sure of the name, but I think you'd like to check it out mahn" he paused. Typical Mark. He wants to try out every new thing in town.
  "I'm busy, and you of all people should know that." I brushed him off, pulling my phone out the charger.
  "Bro c'mon I promise you it'll be lit..trust me one this one"
  Sigh....he won't just let you be until you say yes Gustavo. And it was true, he won't let me be and all I needed right now was to have breakfast.
  "Fine...it's cool, I will" I finally agreed.
" Who knows, you might just catch a fling over there" he winked.
" Don't even go there".
I wasn't just in the mood to catch another fling, not after what happened the last time.
"Don't tell me it's cuz of that clingy chic!?" He roared with laughter.
Why in fucks name did I let this bitch know. I didn't even know what to tell him, all that's on my mind is food.
  "Whatever.." I dismissed him. " Anyway, could you drop me over at that Starbucks mahn, I need to get coffee".
"Sure, let's go" he stood up and started heading to the door as I bent over my desk to get a card from my wallet.
I opened the drawer but didn't see it. I lifted the files but still didn't see nothing. My heart raced a little; if I didn't see this card, my life would be ruined. I'd have to start from the scratch to put my life back in place. Everything I've worked for, my savings, my mom, my sister, what will I tell them, I lost the card??
   I possibly couldn't loose that. I emptied the top desk but still found nothing.
  "Dude what are you looking for?" Mark asked, but I don't think I could pay him any attention, for now. I ignored and kept on searching, but all to no avail. "Dude!!" Mark grabbed my arm from going further under the desk.
  " My wallet!" I confusedly stated. I didn't know what to do, my head was completely blank at the moment. I was supposed to head to a micro finance center to hand over a tender to a real big, and that card was the access card. I'm done for.
   "So?" My eyes formed a bloodshot as I turned over to look at the bloody jerk. "It's just your wallet. You can go block your cards at the bank". He stated like it was just that.
"No idiot. The access card's in there" I slammed the pen box on the floor. I was getting frustrated.
  "Have you tried checking your car?"
Woah good point! I began heading for the door, when a flash came into my head. I've seen the wallet, it's back at Starbucks; but who's watching it???!
  "Dude! I'll catch you later tonight, I found it!!" I yelled as I ran for the elevator.

  I ran as fast as I could to Starbucks and ignored all silly looks. As I approached the café, I looked through the glass and saw miss Brooks smiling to a guy on blazers; on the table I was supposedly sitting on, without the wallet there. I could feel myself boiling with anger. I was unsure of the reason behind my loosing cool, the fact that the wallet wasn't there or the fact that he was making her laugh.
  I got into the Café and immediately gave him a big wack on the face. I  heard someone scream, but I wasn't sure of the person. I scanned the environment to see if I'd be able to see  my wallet, and I did. Not only was the guy flirting with miss Brooks seeming all perfect, he was a theif. The wallet fell from his hand after the punch. I pulled miss Brooks away from consoling him and jacked him up but was embarrassed later on. Turned out it wasn't my wallet, but a look alike.
  "What the hell is wrong with you???!" Miss Brooks screamed pulling me out of the table. I couldn't answer. I still hadn't found the stupid wallet, just then the Petit lady ran out holding something familiar.
   "Uhh....excuse me, you left this on the table, so I kept if for you" she said stretching the wallet forward. I felt hot, in an embarrassing way. I only muttered a thank you, apologized to the guy I hit, and took my leave.
  I felt some type of way for concluding that the guy took the wallet or Maybe it's because what he was able to do I couldn't..........
   I walked to my car, turned it on and moved.......
I actually felt good, but hungry.
  .......... Nahh, I think it's the wallet's fault I lost it, not her.

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