59; retribution or whatever - she's still humanity's hope and strongest weapon.

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I had fun writing this ehe ☆彡

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His memories of the past ended just like that.

Professor Doc blinked rapidly to dispel the lingering nostalgia, glancing down at the young miss Wissen.

This would be the second time they meet like this after she was born.

Her life already created two paths for her the moment she was born.

She could live the life of naivety as the Duke's precious daugther in her lifetime without worrying about titans

Or, the girl, who barely remembers her old life with a sense of what suffering is and fights for her ideology.

28 years ago, this child was nearing the death's door, and he barely saved the child which came with a great price.

But now, he finally found a way to crrect a part of his mistake.

He took out a worn out pouch from his pocket and slipped a black pill inside Xyra's mouth.

"I pray that the gods will be merciful in your generation."

He is afraid of what will happen in the future, but instead of worrying for his life, he fear that the future will be forgiving for Xyra.

"I look forward to our fateful meeting soon, Xyra Wissen. All your questions will be answered there."

Just like that his figure vanished among the giant debris.



Xyra jolted upright in surprise before coughing hard. It felt like she was holding her breathe for a very long time, her chest feels so heavy.

She was momentarily disoriented from her current situation especially with the ruins around her, but she did find her bearings easily.

Although her mind had recovered, her body was telling opposite. It felt like her chest was pressed up with something heavy and everything else is numb.

She soon focused on regulating her breathing first, then afterwards, stood up sluggishly from her position which was far from where she remembered she knocked out.

She remembered getting hit by a rock, so there's no wonder why she was this banged up.

From a distance, she could hear consecutive noise of fighting and explosions so she guessed Eren and Annie is fighting right now.

Eren may still have slight reservations in treating a friend as a traitor but she understand where he is getting.

'Nobody could foresee what the future looks. The friend of yesterday, may be your foe by tomorrow.' And that is not easy to accept.

She hoped now that the truth is right in his face, he could approach the fight with a clear mind.

Thankfully, Rosé somewhat explained to her the connection between their fathers and how it tied up to now. Even though it was one-sided and brief.

Later on, she'll have to narrate everything to Erwin and others in order to straighten the story. She already hold back a lot of things to herself.

There was also that bit of Eren's father hiding a secret in their old basement in Shiganshina.


Her ears picked up a soft cry ahead of her while walking to the end of the street. This area looks even more wrecked than the rest based on the upturned ground.

Humanitys' Strongest Weapon (Shingeki no Kyojin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now