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Just a break lmao and a thank you for reaching 138k reads! You're all so generous! I'm so happy!

Here's a cinnamon roll for you guys. Enjoy☆🍴




Cinnamon Roll: Demon Slayer Edition



•    Muichiro Tokito 

Looks like a loner but is actually a cinnamon roll

•  Giyu Tomioka 

Looks like a loner and is actually a loner

 •  Mitsuri Kanroji 

Looks like the cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll

 •  Obanai Iguro 

Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll

 •  Sanemi Shinazugawa  

Looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you

•  Gyomei Himejima 

Looks like a tough cinnamon roll and is actually soft cinnamon roll

 •  Kyojuro Rengoku 

Fluffy cinnamon roll and is the cinnamon roll

 •  Tengen Uzui  

He's the cinnamon roll

•  Shinobu Kocho 

Looks like a cinnamon roll but is actually an angry little cinnamon roll

Demon Slayers:

• Tanjiro Kamado 

Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll

 •  Zenitsu Agatsuma 

Looks like a pervert and is actually a pervert

 •  Inosuke Hashibira 

Looks like a cinnamon roll but is actually a loud cinnamon roll

 •  Genya Shinazugawa 

A Shinamonroll~

also an angry potato☆

 •  Kanao Tsuyuri 

Looks really cold but is actually a cinnamon roll


 •  Yoriichi Tsugikuni

Looks really cold and is actually cold

Lol, kidding. THIS ONE'S A CINNAMON ROLL TOO. Sad cinnamon roll.

• Nezuko

Are you kidding me? OFC A CINNAMON ROLL. Best cinnamon roll out there.

• Muzan

What's a cinnamon roll?

• Akaza

Sad cinnamon roll

• Douma

Where's the cinnamon roll?

• Kokoushibo

Jealous cinnamon roll


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