Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Whenever I wasn't with Harry, I did all that I could to try and not think about him.

Which was proving to be quite difficult.

After our 'friend' date to see the city lights, he had taken me home and we hadn't really said much to each other. He was very polite, he hadn't tried to kiss me goodbye, but I had known that he wanted to and jumped out of the car before it even became an option.

We had texted on and off in the days since then and he asked me when we could see each other again. I told him that I was really busy and wasn't sure. He definitely didn't believe me and told me to pick a time and day or that he would show up at my house.

A week ago, I would've been scared. Now, I laughed.

I felt guilty. I felt like I was stringing him along for some reason, which was ridiculous considering I had made it clear multiple times that I genuinely only wanted to be friends. But there was still that weird tension between us, knowing that we had both made out with each other.

I tried to tell myself that I make out with people all the time at bars and can go home without constantly thinking about them every hour of the day, so why was Harry any different?

But I knew why he was different, whether I was willing to fully admit it to myself or not.

He was getting into my head. And I wanted him out.

"May!" A voice hissed, breaking me from my thoughts as I sipped at my tea. Both of my elbows were rested on the counter, still dressed in the jacket I had yet to even take off from my walk back from classes.

I set the mug down on the counter and looked over to see Isaac slipping into the apartment, looking frazzled, and then quickly shutting it behind him. He glanced through the peephole once before turning around and resting his back against the door, taking a few deep breaths.

"Oh, thank God," he said as he made eye contact with me.

I furrowed my brows as I looked at my friend, dressed in a suit and looking scared out of his mind as he stood at the entryway of our apartment. I hadn't expected him to be here on a Wednesday, knowing that he had to work.

"Isaac? What's going on? Are you okay?" I jumped off the stool and made my way over to my friend, putting my hand up to his face and scanning the length of him for any injuries. He quickly tore my hand away and crouched down, yanking me to his level. I yelped in surprise.

"Duck!" he whispered.

We both stayed crouched for a minute, Isaac holding a finger to his lips trying to get me to be quiet. I shifted back and forth on my feet, my wrist still in his one hand.

"Isaac..." I whispered. "What's going on? You're scaring me."

He didn't respond as he abruptly jumped back up and took another glance through the peephole. After a few seconds, he let out a deep sigh.

"I think we're in the clear," he finally said.

"Isaac!" I half-shouted. I stood up and put my hands on my hips. "What is going on? You're freaking me out."

"Phew," he breathed. He loosened the tie at his neck and dropped the bag that he had remained holding onto the floor. As he kicked off his shoes and walked past me to the couch, I just stared at him. "You should be scared," he said with a half-laugh.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked anxiously, following to sit down beside him.

"Harry! Big, scary Harry drove me here," he said with a shake of his head. I refrained from laughing.

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