Chapter 2: Uncle Ben.

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"I've heard quite the stories about you, Miss Osborn."

I smirked at the man in front of me.

"You're gonna have to be more specific."

He raised an eyebrow at me, obviously taken back by the confidence I held.

"So you're a witch, but you were born human."

He said, reading my file. I nodded in response, that smirk never leaving.

"That's what happens when you're exposed to experiments that aren't ready for human testing."

Tont Stark just looked at me, as if deep in thought, before leaning back and pointing his pen at me.

"We could do with someone like you on the team."

"I'm sorry, what?"

I looked at him in not only confusion, but also disbelief.

"To have someone of your abilities on the team would be a huge advantage."

There was a slight pause.

"Considering your age though it would be best that I start you off small, little street crimes so to say."

I just nodded along, still stunned by the fact the Tony Stark just offered me a place on the 'team'. I never would have thought that a tragic lab accident would turn into this. We signed some papers and agreed on some terms and that was it. I stood up and shook his hand.

"Its a pleasure to be working with you, Mr. Stark."

"Welcome to the Stark Internship."


The next few weeks were ones filled with happy times. I visited the Parker's much more than I had recently done, joining them for dinner at least three times a week. Up until now, I hadn't realised how much I had missed it, missed being around them. They made me feel wanted, loved. At least I had them. The weeks were uneventful so to say. But uneventful and strange are two different things, because strange was the only thing I could associate with it. In fact, it wasn't the weeks that were strange. It was one person: Peter Parker. Since that day in Oscorp, Peter had been acting weird. First, he magically didn't need glasses anymore. In PE he went from the bottom to the top. He didn't show up to class as often. He missed days at a time. And when he did show up he had the attention span of a pebble. Nobody could figure out what was wrong with Peter Parker.

It was a Friday night, the streets were busy with people enjoying life. Not much was happening. However, I got a call off of Tony Stark, giving me my first mission as his 'intern'. There were reports of a masked perp with a gun doing his rounds of shops in the area. My job? Stop him. Pretty simple to be honest. Its a police level job, not an Avengers level threat. What could possibly go wrong? Well apparently.......a lot. A lot could go wrong. A lot did..... Go wrong.

First things first, I followed the masked gunman to his next stop. The best thing about being a witch is that there are always so many options for an offence. I cloaked myself to render me invisible, making it easier to follow him. So that's what I did, I followed. Turns out his next stop was a small market stall on the main street. I went into an alleyway, removing the cloaking spell before poking my head around the corner, watching. He was gone. I had lost him. That was until I heard gunshots just up the street. I sprinted as fast as I could to get there, only to be met by a sight I never wanted to see.

"Uncle Ben!"

I ran to his side and ripped a piece of cloth from my shirt, hoping it would be enough to stop the bleeding. But it wasn't working. He was losing consciousness, and fast. I felt a tug at my arm and turned to see he was trying to tell me something.

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