Chapter 50: Expectations.

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'I Will Always Love You' by Whitney Houston started playing as we walked down the school halls. A poorly edited video in tribute of the fallen Avengers, Tony, Steve, Natasha, and Vision played. It shifted to show Midtown School's news show with Betty Brant and Jason Ionello.

"Gone. But not forgotten." Betty announced.

"Thanks to Kenneth Lim and Vihaan Ramamurthy for their help with that touching video tribute."

"This year has been nothing short of-" Betty started before Jason cut her off.

"Shit is crazy. It's like insane."

" Jason."


" No swearing."

"Yeah, it's like the last day of school, we're good."

Betty sighed before continuing on.

"Historic. Over five years ago, half of all life in the universe, including our own Midtown High was wiped from existence. But then eight months ago, a band of brave heroes brought us back. They called it the Blip. Those of us who blipped away came back the same age. But our classmates that didn't blip grew five years older."

" Yeah, like my little brother is now older than me."

"Yeah, it's math. And even though we had blipped away half way through the school year and had already taken midterms, the school made us start the whole year over from the beginning."

"Totally unfair. It's not right."

"Tigers, it's been a long, dramatic, somewhat confusing road. As we draw this year to a close, it's time to move on to a new phase of our lives."

"Pray nothing crazy happens again because, are the Avengers even a thing anymore? Does anyone even have a plan?!"

In a classroom, Peter Parker sat down next to Ned and I, a look of determination on his face.

"I have a plan." He stated enthusiastically.

"Okay, first, I sit next to MJ on the flight."

"Mhm." Ned hummed.

"Second, I'm gonna buy a dual headphone adapter and watch movies with her the whole time."


"Three, when we go to Venice, Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass, right?"


"So, Im gonna buy her a Black Dahlia necklace, because her favourite flower is the Black Dahlia, because of, well..."

"The murder."

"The murder. Four, when we go to Paris, I'm gonna take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, give her the necklace..."


"And then five, I'm gonna tell her how I feel...And then six, hopefully she tells me she feels the same way."

"Oh! Don't forget step seven." Ned reminded.

"Step seven..." Peter wondered, thinking.

"Don't do any of that."

Peter and I looked up, confused.


"Because we're gonna be bachelors in Europe, Peter!"


"Look, I may not know much, but I do know this: Europeans love Americans."


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