Chapter 59: Elemental.

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I furrowed my brows at the sight of the fountain, involuntarily edging closer and closer until suddenly the ground started cracking, a bright orange liquid beginning to seep through it. I backed up immediately as people started screaming and running away from the monument. Anxiously, I searched for MJ who was also searching for me. I watched in horror as the magma began making it's way up the statue until, unexpectedly, it exploded, causing people to fall to the ground, myself included. I looked over my shoulder to see an elemental towering above us. Quickly, I pushed myself off the ground and over to MJ, who lay only a few meters away from me. I grabbed her arm and dragged her through the crowds, away from the fiery monster.

It's fiery rage began to destroy everything in sight, cars, stalls, monuments, there was no stopping it's rampage. I looked around me to see Ned and Betty were still in the Ferris Wheel, they were terrified but at least they we safer than what MJ and I were. A sudden explosion had caused us to lose our footing and fall once again. A car was about to come raining down on us when Mysterio landed in front of us, shielding us from the damage.

"Get out of here!"

I nodded sternly, grabbing MJ's arm once again and running off. We got to a nearby corner where we took cover and watched as Mysterio and 'Night-Monkey' battled the beast using it's own worst enemy. I guess you could say fire really did meet water. The elemental swung for Peter, who stuck to the wall of a nearby building. He landed on a Merry-go-round where only seconds later he was swatted and hit the base of the Ferris Wheel harshly. From where we sat I could hear Betty calling out for the hero to save her and her boyfriend. The elemental only grew bigger and stronger as time went on, letting out a roar as it did so.
'Night-Monkey's' Webs only disintegrated upon contact with the elemental, which angrily marched towards the black suited figure. Before it could bring it's fiery fist down on top of Peter Mysterio had intersected, creating a force field to shield himself and Peter from....well....death.
The two heroes conversed briefly before jumping in different directions to avoid the fire the elemental planned to bring down on them. Mysterio disappeared into the sky as Spider-Man came running our direction, the Elemental's hands turning to magma that was gushing straight for us.

"We gotta go, NOW!"

I tugged her after me as I pulled her in the direction of the Ferris Wheel. Spider-Man produced a substantial distraction for us as we ran for dear life, the Elemental too busy with the wallcrawler to even notice us. We reached the base of he Ferris Wheel, climbing over the barrier as Ned and Betty called down to us, telling us to hurry. I looked up and down the wheel to find any sort of route up to our friends. There were no visible ladders or aids but the structure itself was climbable.

"MJ, start climbing!"

She looked a me like I had three heads but nonetheless she did it. I made sure she was half way before I followed after her, part of me hoping I might've been able to help Peter and Beck, but I couldn't, I was just the normal teenager who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like the others.
Spider-Man flipped over the monster's body, webbing a boulder and launching it into the gut of the Elemental. It let out a sound of pain.

"Okay, shoot him!"

On queue, Mysterio swoops in and blasts the foe with his energy beams, causing the Elemental to stumble in pain and shock. MJ and I were nearly at the top of the wheel, where Ned and Betty sat anxiously in their cart. I waited as MJ threw herself over the edge of the cart, the two lover birds pulling her in. I looked back down at the commotion beneath us when a flailing arm came swinging my way. Terrified, I wrapped my arms around the beams of the wheel and hugged my body closer to it, hoping that it would save me from being hit. And it did; just about. The force of the wind it created caused my footing to slip, leaving me hanging for a few moments until I pulled them up under me again. I continued to hold onto the beams as I reached down to untie the heels that were still on my feet. One by one they dropped down and hit ground bottom, lost amongst the flames and smoke.

I fell into the cart just in time to see Spider-Man and Mysterio use a combo of moves to disorientate the beast. It was all well and good until it delivered a mighty, fiery fist to the crumbling ground, an opening crack travelling towards the Ferris Wheel. Screams were released as the wheel began to become unstable and sink into the crack, the orange hue ready to devour us as we clung onto each other for dear life.
The panicked screams only drew the Elemental's attention towards us. Angrily, it started trashing towards us, arm outstretched. It was going to get us until Mysterio once again flew in and fought it back. Spider-Man attempted to shoot a web onto the Ferris Wheel, but failed when he caught onto something else instead. I watched as it flung back into a nearby alleyway and suddenly got the urge to go after it.

Mysterio continued to shoot energised blasts at the Elemental, keeping it from reaching the Ferris Wheel as Spider-Man jumped back and forth, making web attachments to keep the wheel from toppling over. I positioned myself at the edge of the cart nearest to Spider-Man. He jumped back with yet another web, landing close enough to me that only he could hear what I was saying.

"I need to get down there."

I could tell through the mask that he was already against the idea, ready to object.

"Don't even argue with me on this-"

I looked behind me.

"-either you drop me down or I'm jumping down."

Spider-Man scanned around him anxiously as he made his decision.


A small smile crept onto my lips as I threw my legs over the side of the cart, wrapping my arms around his neck as he leapt off the side of the wheel. Seconds later our feet touched the ground. I let go of Peter and backed up to take a look up at our friends in the cart.

"Keep them safe."

He nodded in response as Nick Fury and Maria Hill pulled up to the scene. I was about to turn when he called my name.


He paused, making sure that I was paying attention.

"-Just be careful."

I gave him a small smile before running off into the alley, desperate to find what it was Peter had pulled down.

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