Chapter 51: Airplane.

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We were on board the airplane and as we began to fly I could see Peter opening his window and looking out at the view. He smiled happily as he did so, something I hadn't seen him do in a long time.
Ned tapped him on the shoulder, excitedly.


Betty Brant came in, waving at some people. Mr. Harrington came in behind her, looking around the place.

"Do you want the first shift or the second? I could take either." Mr. Harrington asked Mr. Dell.

"Give me the third shift. I took an Ambien."

"I can't chaperone these kids alone."

Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard from the other side of the plane. It was Flash Thompson, holding a drink in his hand.

"Yo, Parker! This, is called an airplane. It's like the buses you're used to-"

I walked by him.

"-except it flies over the poor neighbourhoods instead of driving through them."

I leaned over to the flight attendant. Brad Davis passing with MJ.


"Mm-hm?" she replied.

"He blipped, so technically, he's 16, not 21."

Flash Thompson blinked at me as the flight attendant reached to grab his drink out of his hand. He lookes down as she grabbed it.

"I'll take that."

People started to laugh as Flash Thompson's eyes were big. He turned to me.

"She's lying! I don't even know this girl."

I turned around to the boys that were sitting there as Flash Thompson left. I looked at them and lifted my chin up in a 'hi' kind of way. Brad Davis smiled at them as he passed by.

"Classic Sof, right?"

I could see Peter look over at Brad Davis with a creeped out expression as Ned sat there with a cool one. He turned his head as Peter started talking.

"Did you know Brad was coming?"

Ned shook his head.

"It-It's so weird. Like, one day, he's that kid who cried and got nosebleeds all the time, and suddenly, we Blip back, and he's totally ripped and super nice and all these girls are after him."

Peter narrowed his eyebrows as they turned back around from watching Brad and MJ put their stuff in the overhead compartments.

"Not all the girls are after him."

"No, man. They're all after him."

I watched as MJ and Brad were helping each other out, MJ giggling the whole time.
Peter looked back at me before looking at MJ, staring at her for a split second before he leaned into Ned's ear to whisper.
Ned rolled his eyes as he sighed. Peter looked back at MJ again.
Ned looked at him with solemn eyes. He turned around and back again. Peter looked desperately at him.
Ned rolled his eyes as his head leaned back. He got up from his seat over to MJ, Betty and I, who were sitting next to each other. We looked up at him.

"Hey, guys. Uh, there's an old lady in front of us wearing a crazy amount of perfume and it's kind of setting off Peter's allergies. Uh, Betty, if you could switch seats with him, that would be-"

"He's allergic to perfume?" Betty inquired.

Ned stayed silent and shook his head, his eyes pleading me to back him up.

"Yeah, yeah, because it- it makes his eyes water, and he can't really-"

Mr. Harrington turned around in his seat after eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Peter has a perfume allergy?"

"Oh, uh-" Ned stuttered.

"From experience, perfume allergies are no joke. I can feel hives breaking out already. MJ, Sophie, stand up.

Mr. Harrington got up from his seat as Peter did. We stood up as our teacher gave orders.

"Ned, take MJ's spot. MJ, you take my spot."

Mr. Harrington turned towards Peter.

"Peter, let's get you out of there. Zach, you take Peter's seat."

MJ took her seat beside Brad, leaving me standing in the middle of the aisle.

"Ned, thanks for bringing this to my attention. Your safety is my responsibility and Mr. Dell's, but he's-"

Mr. Dell could be seen snoring.

"-I got it for now. Let's go, Peter!"

Peter looked at Mr. Harrington like he's gone bonkers and picked up his bag. He moved to his spot. Ned sat down next to Betty Brant, who looked depressed. Peter passed by Mr. Harrington and sat down at the spot next to him. I still stood in the aisle.

"Eh, sir, where do I sit?"

"Oh! Sophie- eh-"

He looked around him.

"-Look, you take my seat. I'll go sit with Zach."

Hesitantly, I took my seat beside Peter, not really sure if I should say something or not.

"Well, I've gotta dual headphone adapter if you wanna watch a movie." Brad's voice travelled back to where Peter and I sat.

"Only if it's depressing, or hilarious." MJ replied.

Peter sunk into his seat further, obviously feeling deflated.

"If its any consolation, I don't like it either."

He looked at me confused.

"Brad and MJ?"

I nodded, looking back to the two.

"I don't trust him. She's my best friend and I don't want him getting his slimy paws all over her. She's too good for that."

"You really don't like Brad, do you?"

I gave him a 'are you serious?' look.

"After that stunt he pulled, no. I don't."

Peter refused to comment on the topic which gave away that we still had different perceptions of that night.

"You still don't think he set me up, do you?"

"Sof, I-"

"Nah, its fine, Peter. I just know that I would have believed you if it was the other way around."

Without saying another word I put in my earphones, turning the volume up to the max as the Pilot came over the intercom.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. Flight time today will be eight hours and forty-nine minutes to Venice, Italy."

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