Chapter 15: Back Home.

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We got back to Queens as soon as we could. Battered and Bruised, all Peter and I wanted was nothing more than to sleep. May had said that I could stay at the Parker's when we returned from our 'field trip' with Tony Stark, and was I glad of her offered because I was ready to just collapse.

Peter and I just sat on his bed, going over the events of the last few days.

"That's a nasty one."

I said as I lightly touched the growing blackness under Peter's eye. May spoke to him from somewhere in the apartment.

"So, Who was it? Who hit you?"

"Some guy. So itchy, man. God."

He fiddled with his wristband.

"What's 'some guy's' name?"

"Uh, Steve."

Peter looked at me in a panic, trying not to blow the whole thing.

"Steve? From 12-C? With the overbite?"

"No, no, no. You don't know him, he's from Brooklyn."

Peter's wrist band emitted a red beam which he hid when his aunt came into the room.


"Well......I hope you got a few good licks in."

" Yeah, I got quite a few in, actually. His friend was huge. Like huge."

May gave him ice wrapped in a towel.

"That's way better, thank you."

"Okay, tough guy. "

She turned to me.

"Looks like I'll have to put you on babysitting duties next time, Sof."

We laughed as Peter rolled his eyes at his aunt's comment. She smiled broadly at us as she left the room.

"Love you, May. Hey, can you shut the door? "

May poked her head in before shutting the door.

"No funny business!"


Peter shun the red beam onto his ceiling and grinned looking up at a glowing image of the Spider-Man's mask. I looked at the boy in front of me.

"So, what do we do now?"

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