Chapter 17: Same Old, Same Old.

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Peter and I were standing in a packed subway train. He took out his phone and typed out a text, something he had made a habit of lately.

"To Happy?" I questioned

He gave me a defeated 'yeah' as he scrolled through the numerous unanswered messages sent to the man. The train dropped us off at 36th Avenue Station, which was right next to Midtown High. We walked downstairs to street level where football fields stand surrounded by fences. Peter and I strolled down the side lines and approaches the main building as we engaged in casual conversation. There were students playing all kinds of sports on the field. We climbed a flight of stairs. I laughed at something Peter said, not paying attention to the road until he shouted my name.

"Sof, watch out!"

I turned to see him running towards me as Flash's convertible came speeding down the road. I heard the screeching of the tyres as he tried to stop the car; it wasn't working. As the car came closer I felt Peter's body collide with mine, causing us to land on the hard concrete, inches out of the way of Flash's car.

" What's up, Penis Parker?"

Students chuckled at that. Peter suppressed a sigh and started getting up off the ground , helping me as he did so. I wiped the dirt off of my clothes before walking over to the bully.

"Call him that again and I won't hesitate to beat your ass."

I turned to walk away as 'oooooh's came from the students.

"Also, maybe try not running me over next time."

I rolled my eyes, going to walk back to Peter when Flash's voice piped up from behind me.

"There is one way to avoid it....."

I directed my gaze at him, raising a brow to indicate that I was questioning him. A smirk grew on his face.

"I could always just give you a ride."

He winked at me as I walked over to the door of his car, putting on a flirty act. It was obvious he was buying it, and from the way I could feel Peter's eyes burning into the back of my head, I knew he bought it too. I rested my elbows on the door, leaning down to his level, my face coming close to his. I could see his eyes go from my lips back up to my eyes and down again. The flirtatious smirk that I wore immediately disappeared as I delivered my fist to his cheek, causing an uproar to break out.

"Say anything like that to me again and I'll make sure to break something."

And with that I walked back to Peter, whose mouth hung slightly ajar, a pleased look on his face. A school news report was playing in the hallway as we walked in.

"Rise and shine, Midtown Science and Technology."

"Students, don't forget about your homecoming tickets. Do you have a date for homecoming?"

"Thanks, Jason, but I already have a date."

" Okay."

" Yeah."

On TV, we could see Jason rolling his eyes awkwardly as Principle Morita walked down the hall. A teenage boy flew a drone around the crowded hallway as we walked by. Principle Morita grabbed the drone out of the air.

"Damn it. You, in my office right now."

The drone pilot followed the principal. Other students carried elaborate science projects. Peter stopped at his locker as I walked to mine, two rows down, and took off his jacket. I entered the combination and opened the locker. Suddenly I could see Ned Leeds holding a Palpatine Lego figure over Peter's shoulder.

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