Chapter 12: Damsel.

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After that day things started to look a little bit brighter. As a group we decided it would be best if we knew how to defend ourselves, considering what happened to MJ and I almost two months ago. Coming together we chipped in enough money to rent out a studio in the small gym down the road. Although it was obvious that Peter and myself would have the upper hand considering our added 'advantages'. We had been going for almost two weeks and all I could do was watch, under doctor's orders not to do anything strenuous until the stitches were healed. It was a Wednesday afternoon, middle period, when I left school to get them removed. I was only there for about half an hour before they had them removed and I could go back to school, making it there by lunch.

I walked into the canteen, immediately spotting the gang sitting at our usual table in the far left corner. I gave a small wave and walked over to stand in the queue, coffee was needed. Everything was fine until I felt a presence behind me: Flash Thompson.

"Hey, Sof. How ya doing?"

I could hear the seductiveness drip from his voice as he spoke. I turned around to face the bully, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Leave me alone, Flash."

I returned to my original position, taking a step forwards as the line moved closer to the till. Flash took a step forward too, one step too close as I felt his body hit off mine. Flashbacks of that night crossed my mind as I began to feel extremely uncomfortable under Flash's stare. I felt his hand pull back a strand of my hair, bringing his lips so close to my ear I could feel his warm breath against my skin.

"Come on, Sof. You know you want it."

His words sent shivers down my spine as I looked over to the 'nerd' table, Peter watching us closely as we stood in the queue. I had ignored Flash completely, a bad move on my behalf. I could feel the anger radiate off him as he backed off, knowing he couldn't do anything here with so many people around. I quickly got my coffee and walked back to our table, taking a seat beside Peter as I kept my eyes focused on Flash, all the while he was staring back.

"You okay?"

The sound of Peter's voice zoned me back in.

"Yeah, I think so."

I offered him a smile as we continued on with out lunch. The rest of the day went by smoothly. I walked out of maths with MJ telling her that I would meet up with them outside, I just had to grab something from the changing rooms. She nodded her head and went to meet the lads outside, where they stood waiting. The hallways cleared out quickly that day, making it ten times easier to get to the changing rooms and back in under ten minutes. However, I collided with a body as I was walking back towards the main entrance. I muttered a sorry but stopped halfway when I looked up to meet Flash's gaze.


I gripped my gear bag tighter as I walked slowly backwards.

"Did you really think you would get away with showing me up like that?!"

I kept backing up until I felt my back press against the lockers, Flash continuing to come closer and closer until there was no space between us. I felt the panic rise in my chest as he slammed his fist into the locker inches from my face. The situation feeling all too familiar for my liking. There was no one around to even acknowledge what was happening. I looked around me for someone to show up, knowing well that they wouldn't.

"Awww, poor Sophie. Waiting for her hero to show up and save her."

The sarcasm was enough to piss me off but his words being the main cause of it. I snapped my head back to face him, a flare of anger in my eyes.

Hang In There// P.P.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant