Chapter 36: Titan.

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We had been on the ship for hours at this stage when the surface of what I later learned to be Titan, came into view. Peter went to Tony's side.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"I think we're here." Dr. Strange answered.

"I don't think this rig has a self-park function."

Tony turned to Peter and I, urgently.

" Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?"

We nodded, understanding what we had to do.

"This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta to move at the same time."

The ringship was heading straight for the center of what looked like one of a colossal game of jacks.

"We might wanna turn. Turn! Turn! Turn!!"

Peter exclaimed as Iron Man armoured up as the ringship clips the "jack" obliquely, but still losing a good third of its hull in the collision. Spider-Man threw up his helmet at the same time. Doctor Strange stepped between them and created the Shield of the Seraphim around us all, myself casting a protection spell, anticipating a rough landing.
The ship, reduced to about 45%, ploughed through the dirt and stopped, leaning slightly to one side. Doctor Strange helped Tony, now de-helmeted, to his feet; they're both panting a little from the exertion of arrival. I had landed roughly beside the two, causing me to rub my temple as I sat up.

"You alright?" Tony asked, panting.

I nodded in response as he turned to Strange.

"That was close. I owe you one."

Spider-Man descended from above in his classical spider-like fashion.

"Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry." He announced.

"I don't wanna hear another single pop culture out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?" Tony declared as he pointed at Peter.

"I'm trying to say that-"

"- something is coming." I finished.

A grenade rolled into view, Peter, Strange and Tony get thrown well back when it fired its energy pulse. I was already on the ground, there was nowhere further I could fall. Three figures appeared in the doorway.


The owner of the voice flung a blade at Doctor Strange, who neatly deflected it with a mystical shield, and in return sent the Cloak of Levitation at their face, half-smothering him and throwing him to the floor. A guy with alienated blasters and Iron Man had a brief dogfight until a magnetic disc pinned Iron Man face-first to a structure. Peter was crawling backwards frantically from an anxious-looking 'alien' with antennas.

"AH! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! PLEASE DON'T PUT YOUR EGGS IN ME!"

Spider-Man shot webs at her in a panic, pinning her arms to her body just before the guy with the guns flew at him feet-first, kicking him away.

"Stay down, clown!"

Star-Lord, I later learned, couldn't quite counter Peter's spider reflexes at first; he fired at Spider-Man, who extended his spider legs and leapt away, but an electric-like cord wrapped around Peter and his six new legs when he tried to attack, sending him rolling across the deck. I made my way over to the boy, making sure to avoid any conflict with the three strangers who had initiated the attack.

"Hey, Pete, you okay?"

I offered him a hand up as he replied with a 'yeah' but he fell back down as my hand was detached from his due to a force pulling me away from him. I struggled in the grip of Star- Lord as he tightened his arm around my waist, making sure I wasn't going anywhere.

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