Chapter 33: Crushes.

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We always anticipated that Gwen Stacy would be nothing but trouble for us, especially for Peter, but nothing could prepare us for this. Everything she did was exactly what she had done before; just a hundred times worse. She followed Peter like a lost puppy, clung to him like a parasite. Her flirty nature had only amplified in the past three years. She had inserted herself into our friend group, of course not giving a shit about the rest of us, she just wanted Peter.
I was walking with MJ to our lockers, the usual ordeal, when I spotted Peter alone for once.

"Hey, MJ, I'm gonna check up on Pete, you okay to just meet at lunch?"

She nodded in response as she gave me a smile. I crossed over to the other side of the hallway, catching a book as it fell from Peter's locker.


He continued to collect his books, letting out a loud sigh as he closed the door.

"Pete, I know you're gonna hate me for this, but are you sure that you have zero feelings for Gwen?"

I could see the disgust in his face as he looked at me as if I had three heads.

"No absolute not-"

I nodded in response.

"-Like, yeah, she's pretty and all but-"

He stopped. I furrowed my brows at him.

"'But' what, Pete?"

"I've got my eye on someone else."

That was the first time I had heard of that and I'm pretty sure that confusion was written across my face but before I could question it the familiar blonde curls came bouncing down the hallway, landing herself beside Peter, clinging onto his arm.

"Hey, Petey!"

She noticed my presence eventually as I stood there, refusing to move until she said something.

"Seriously, Petey, I don't know why you would bother hanging around with riff raff like her ."

Gwen's words had triggered an anger inside me, causing me to lunge forwards, fists clenched but before I could get near her Peter stood between us, placing his hands on my shoulders, holding me back.

"Let me go, Pete."

"You know I would love to let you do it but I can't, for both our sakes." He whispered.

I couldn't argue with him on this one, he was right. I huffed a 'fine' as I backed off, letting him off with Gwen.

"I'll see you later, yeah?"

Peter nodded in response as I gave a small smile and walked off.


That night's watch was quiet, nothing much happening. In fact, nothing much had happened since we took down the Vulture. So there we sat, upon our usual rooftop, looking down upon all the lights that illuminated the streets of Queens.


Spider-Man turned to face me as I broke the peaceful silence.

"You have you're eyes on someone, huh?"

Although he wore his mask it was obvious that he had rolled his eyes at me.

"Seriously? Out of all the things to talk about you choose that?"

"Oh come on! This is the first I've heard of your new love interest, Parker."

Peter chuckled at my excitement.

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