Chapter 34: Untold Secrets.

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I pulled away from the kiss to see Gwen standing there, mouth open, as Peter's hands remained on my hips, playing the part to my little act. I looked her up and down just like she had done to me the days previous.

"I don't appriate you feeling up my man so I suggest you move along onto some other bloke."

"Well, well, well, would you look at that."

She scoffed as she crossed her arms and popped out her right hip.

"You know, Sophie, you never do fail to surprise me."

I removed myself from my previous position and distanced myself from Peter, who had a worrisome look on his face. Gwen continued.

"We all know that a guy like Peter deserves so much better than some whore you gets herself knocked up."

Her words were like a stab to the heart as I felt the air leave my body and the tears start to gather on my waterline. How did she know?! I couldn't shake the fear as I stood under the gaze of everyone there, the music had stopped and I had the spotlight. I shook my head as a single tear slid down my cheek.

"You don't understand-"

"Oh, I think I do; we all do, Sophie."

She cut me off.

"Just admit it. You're just a girl who slept around and made a mistake. Obviously you did something about it since you're wearing that dress, huh."

There was no stopping the tears that vigorously fell from my eyes as the anger built up inside me. There I was, stood in front of nearly a hundred people, my deepest secret untold. There I was, stood under the judgemental gaze of people who would never know the truth.

"I guess it's true what they say, Osborn. Its always the ones you'd least expect."

I couldn't stop myself from lunging at the blonde, anger taking over completely. We went tumbling down into a heap, my face coming into contact with the edge of a table. I straddled her waist as I delivered numerous fists to her face, the tears never stopped flowing. I couldn't stop myself until I was pulled off the girl and held tightly against Peter's chest as we stood watching everyone tend to the beaten blonde laying on the ground. I pushed myself away from Peter and ran. That's all I could do; run. I ditched the heels and used my bare feet, not caring about the many pebbles that pricked my soles.

I found myself at the park, the soft rippling of the water attracting me towards it. I walked down the wooded pier and sat down, pulling my legs into my chest as I cried. There was no stopping it. Tonight, people's opinions of Sophie Osborn changed. I would no longer be that nerd that hangs around with Peter Parker. I'm going to be the girl who, for a night, acted like a slut, got herself pregnant and then aborted it to avoid any conflicts. Nobody would know the truth about any of it.
There was something about the water that was relaxing, therapeutic. I dangled my feet over the edge, letting my red, blotched feet wash in the cold ripples of the water. While everything around me was peaceful, there was a war going on within me.
I felt a presence sit beside me silently, not saying a word as they did so. I could have guessed that Peter would've come to find me and here he was. It was a peaceful silence that hung over us but that couldn't deny the tension between us.

"Pete, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that...I know."

He didn't look at me as I spoke, nor did I look at him, the blue beneath us stealing our attention from one another.

"You don't have to apologise, Sof."

"No, I do. You have trusted me with everything, there's nothing you have kept from me, and I kept that from not only everyone, but from you too and-"

Hang In There// P.P.Where stories live. Discover now