Chapter 26: Homecoming.

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Homecoming. Every girls dream. That one night where she was a princess. A while ago, it was my dream too but since the whole hero-ing job came into view, it disappeared. I wore a royal blue, floor length dress, my hair in an updo and a failed attempt of a glam makeup look. I heard May and a Peter talking quickly behind the door as I knocked.

May answered the door and a smile spread across her face.

"Oh, my. Sof, you look stunning!"

"Aw, thanks, May. Last minute outfit."

She chuckled as she called Peter from his room, letting me into the apartment. As I walked in Peter came into the kitchen, he was looking at his phone.

"Hey, Sof, -"

He looked up and his mouth hung open. May chuckled from behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Looks like someone is speechless."

Peter gulped and ran his hand through his hair.

"You look...... Just...... Wow."

We chuckled at his response, May running down the hall to get something before we left.


"Yep?" I smiled at him.

"You really do look beautiful."

Thank God I was wearing makeup because in that moment my cheeks burned a bright, red crimson.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

I could see a slight flicker of sadness in his eyes as May returned to the room, a small box in hand. She walked over to me, a smile on her face.

"This, is for you."

In her hand she held a blue corsage.

"Oh, May, you didn't have-"

"Oh, don't be silly! It was actually Peter's idea."

I looked over to see the boy shuffling awkwardly.

"No girl should go to Homecoming without one."

I smiled at his sweetness as May shoved us all out into the car.

May's car came to a stop in front of Liz's house.

"It's game day." May said.

I turned to Peter.

"So, what's the plan?"

" Open the door for her."


"Tell her she looks nice, but not too much because that's creepy."

"Don't be creepy."

"No. And, uh, when I dance with her, I'm putting my hands on her hips. I got this."

I patted his shoulder.

"Go get her, tiger."

Peter smiled at me as he got out of the car and leaned into the car window.

"Love you, May."


We watched as Peter walked up to the front door, pink corsage in hand, then rang the doorbell. He waited with a nervous look for the door to open. With Toomes on the other side, my smile faded and my heart stopped.

Liz's dad was the Vulture.

I stood with Ned to see Peter get out of the car with a tense expression on his face. Toomes drove off. Peter entered the school. He walked down the hallway, all sounds muffled as if underwater. He stopped and watched us through the glass doors. Party in full swing. Spotting him, Ned waved and Michelle gave Peter the finger. A beat, then Peter pulled open the door. Pop music and chattering instantly filled Peter's ears. Liz was dancing with some of her friends. She turned to Peter when he approached.

"Hey. What did he say to you?"

Peter just stared at Liz with an anxious look. Liz realized that something was off.

"I need to find someone, I'll be back in two seconds."

I watched as Peter walked over to me. Grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the corner.

"It's Liz's-"

"-dad. I know."

I could feel the tension and fear radiating off of him.

"Peter, go out there and dance with Liz, okay? It's the least you can do for her tonight."

I gave him a small smile as he nodded.

"You're right."

With that he walked back over to his date. Everything was going fine. Peter, as tense as he was, had calmed down as slight bit as he danced with Liz. That was until the slow song came on. I walked off the dance floor only to find Peter looking over at me. I gave him a look that said 'dance with her!'. He got the memo and put his hands on her waist, like planned. He lasted a total of one minute before he hurried away, leaving Liz in the middle of the dance floor. I walked over to the girl to make sure she was okay.

"Hey, Liz, what happened?"

She seemed still in shock.

"Eh, he just...... Left."

"Did he say anything?"

She looked at me.

" 'You aren't her.' "

I looked at the girl in confusion. I made sure she was okay again before going back to Ned only to find that he, too, was gone.
I went searching around the school, finding him in the computer room.

" Hey, Ned. What's going on?"

"Peter' s gone after Vulture."

I sighed as Ned's phone rang.

"Go for it, Ned."

"Yeah, but where is it?"

"Genius move. Okay, he just passed the GameStop on Jackson Avenue."

Ned rolled his chair to another computer.

" I'll pull the specs."

" You stole Flash's car. Awesome."

" Peter, are you okay?"

" Yeah. I'm working on it. I just gotta backdoor the phone system."

Ned rapidly typed, then twirled in his chair.

"Guy in the chair."

Happy popped up on Ned's computer screen.

"Take off in nine minutes"

He turned to Ned.

"Hello? Hello? Who is this?"

"Uh... Mr. Happy, it's Ned."


"Happy, it's me, Sof. I have important intel that-

" You gotta be shitting me."

Happy's screen went off.

" Damn."

Peter came over the phone again.

" Um... He stopped in an old industrial park in Brooklyn."

" Weird. Oh, Sof reached Mr. Happy. Don't think he likes you two, by the way. It sounded like he was catching a flight. He said something about taking off in nine minutes."

"He was surrounded by a bunch of boxes."

Then it clicked.

"Pete, It's moving day. It's moving day! It's moving day! He's gonna rob that plane! We gotta stop him!"

I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.

"Ned, tell him I'm on my way. He's gonna need backup."

"Sof, you're in a dress."

"Then I'll look good when I kick this guys ass."

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