Chapter Eight BANG!

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As the helicopter landed on the roof of the school Commander Ain and a few other Hunters helped the survivors off. Finnick and Hannah stepped off as Lorelei followed. The helicopter disappeared into the darkness as Lorelei followed the hunters.

"Mary and her daughter, Emmie are staying with you and Finnick," Commander Ain motioned to the Mother who Lorelei had been speaking to earlier.

"Of course," Lorelei nodded before she and Finnick walked, the Mother and her baby following.

"Thank you so much for saving us," Her Mother cradled the baby in her arms who was fast asleep.

"No problem, it is our job," Finnick smiled to the Mother.

"So, you two are Lorelei and Finnick?" Mary questioned.

"Yes," Finnick gave a cheerful nod.

"I saw you two on a newspaper that had fallen and landed in our little camp," Mary explained.

"It said something about you two dating," Mary shrugged.

"Well, that's what the media likes to believe. We really aren't dating," Finnick explained while Lorelei kept quiet.

"I see...." Mary thought for a moment before going silent as they had come to their apartment.

Lorelei unlocked it and opened the door. The lights were off and they could hear Amy's snores coming from her and Andrea's room.

"I can give you some clothes. You and your baby can use me and Finnick's room, we'll use the living room," Lorelei explained as she put her bag and chainsaw on the smooth light wood floor.

"Alright," Mary nodded as Lorelei walked off, kicking her boots off.

"I never agreed to that!" Finnick hollered as he kicked his boots off and followed her.

"So what, it's proper etiquette," Lorelei peaked her head out of their room.

"Since when do you care about that?" Finnick tilted his head, mocking her.

"Stop poking the bear~" Lorelei hummed as she grabbed a large white T-Shirt and some black shorts with sunflowers detailed on them.

"Do we have any baby clothes?" Lorelei murmured.

"Hell no-" Finnick began to speak before being interrupted by Lorelei.

"We should steal some of Amy's clothes, I bet they'd fit the baby," Lorelei chuckled before Finnick joined in.

Lorelei and Finnick walked out as Lorelei handed the woman the clothes, taking the baby.

"Here, I'll find something to dress her in and change her diaper while you take a warm shower," Lorelei smiled.

Mary nodded before walking into the bathroom.

"God I want a child," Lorelei walked and sat down on the couch as Finnick turned on the lights.

"Get a husband and have one," Finnick walked and leaped over the couch sitting down and switching on the TV.

"Remember, if I don't have eggs I can't have one." Lorelei glared at Finnick.

"Then steal that one," Finnick nudged her.

"Yes, of course. My master plan shall be made," Lorelei laughed.

                    Hannah followed Commander Ain down a slim hall. Her bare feet patted against the cold metal floor as she crossed her arms over her medical dress.

"Are you sure you want to be shot down?" He glanced over his shoulder.

"Yes Sir," Hannah nodded as she walked and sat down on a chair.

A few doctors came out and clamped her down as Commander Ain cocked his gun.

"Once again, are you sure?" He looked at her.

"Yes Sir," Hannah repeated.




A loud bang echoed down all the halls like a flood. Commander Ain placed down and stared at the pale body.

"Poor girl," He clicked his tongue before walking off leaving the doctors to take care of it.

(If I messed up at all sorry I'm half away and it's like 5:20 in the morning so- lol that's my reasoning.)

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