Chapter Thirteen Bet

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Lorelei groaned as she buried her face in the soft white blankets of her bed. The sunlight peaked into the room as a few birds let out calming chirps.

"Lord have mercy!" She chucked a pillow at the window.

The birds grew louder. Loreli let out a grunt as she sat up. She rubbed her crusty eyes and stretched. She grabbed her tablet stick checking the time, 5:00 AM.

"How the hell-" She stood up and looked at the top bunk which was empty.

"Look at me, I'm Finnick, I wake up early," She murmured as she stepped out of the bedroom.

She looked over to the kitchen where Finnick and Amy argued over how to properly cut toast. She made her way over and headed to the beer cabinet. She easily unlocked it and pulled out a new bottle of Forgers Beer.

"Do we only have this shit?" She turned to Finnick and Amy.

"It's cheep," Amy responded.

"But it tastes like cardboard," She grumbled walking over to the couch and taking a seat.

She opened the bottle chugging down some of it.

"We have a mission today, don't get drunk," Finnick walked over with a mug filled with steaming hot coffee.

"Whatever," Lorelei rolled her eyes.

Lorelei swung her bag over her shoulder.

"we're so close to a break, why do we have to go on a mission," Finnick groaned.

"Stop complaining, at least you get a break," The Pilot snapped as he started the helicopter.

"He's got a point," Lorelei elbowed Finnick.

"Oh be quiet," Finnick rolled his eyes.

"Ah great, back to this dump," Lorelei glanced out of the helicopter and stared at the abandoned city.

"Bet I could get more kills?" Finnick challenged Lorelei.

"Bet," The two hunters leaped out.

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