Chapter Eighteen Worry Wart

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Lorelei and Finnick laughed as they splashed each other.  Amy looked around before wandering off to find some food. 

As the sun began to sink into the water Lorelei and Finnick found themselves in the hotel room. Finnick laid in bed checking up on the news as Lorelei stepped out of the shower.

"Why's it so cold in here," She grumbled as she slid on a pair of shorts and a T-Shirt.

"Because it can be," Finnick sarcastically answered.

"Oh shut up," lorelei peaked out of the bathroom and threw a toothbrush case at him.

Lorelei huffed as she looked in the mirror, brushing out her wet purple locks.

"Y'know, this doesn't do anything to hurt me," Finnick walked into the bathroom sitting the case down.

"It was the first thing I grabbed so bleh," She stuck out her tongue at him.

The two hunters laughed as Lorelei began to brush her teeth. Finnick grabbed his hairbrush, brushing his pink, fluffy, dyed hair. 

"I want a pet dog," Lorelei spat out into the sink and washed out her mouth.

"Would you even take care of it?" Finnick glanced at her

"Probably not," Lorelei walked, laying down. 

"It feels weird not having any missions," Finnick walked, sitting down on the other bed. 

"I know right," Lorelei smiled, folding her arms against the back of her head as she laid back on the bed. 

"Hey, Lorelei?" Finnick looked over.

"What?" Lorelei sat up, turning.

"What're we gonna do if one of us disappears during a mission?" Finnick furrowed his brows, anxious.

"Where did that come from?" Lorelei smiled.

"Trust me, we're the strongest hunters around, nothing will happen," She stood, walking over and sitting next to him.

Finnick, sighed, nodding.

Lorelei wrapped an arm around him, patting him on the back.

"Trust me, we'll be fine," She smiled.

"Whatever you say," He exhaled.

She stood walking over and laying down before the two hunters both drifted off into sleep. 

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