Chapter Fourteen BANG!

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The two hunters landed on the top of a large skyscraper.

"Meet back here?" Finnick glanced at her.

"You bet," Lorelei ran to the door leading to the ladder down.

Lorelei wandered the empty streets, gripping her chainsaw. She spun around hearing a loud groan.

"Hell yeah," She stared at the around five zombies racing at her.

She counted down before swinging her chainsaw to the side slicing off one of their heads off. She took a few steps back, eying the zombies who cautiously circled her.

"Shit-" One of the zombies charged at her, she barely was able to slice through it.

She took steps back, the zombies following. She swung her chainsaw, taking out the last few.  She turned, racing down the street. She looked at all the cars and abandoned stores, she could remember when she was a child, skipping down the sidewalk with her family. A soft smile tugged at her lips as she swung her chainsaw back pulling out her gun. She spun it, cocking it as she looked around.

"Come here," She murmured looking around.

Finnick walked, spinning his gun.

"Damn, wonder how well she's doing," He murmured.

"Tsk, there's barely any zombies here,"

He shot a few lurking behind a bus. He looked at the bus, seeing a bit of movement. He pulled out his tablet stick, holding down the button alerting Lorelei.

"Yes?" Lorelei got out her beeping tablet stick and held the button down herself.

"I see motion, head to street 679," Finnick spoke into the tablet stick.

"Copy," Lorelei put her tablet stick away.

Finnick cautiously approached the bus before lightly knocking on the door. He stumbled back a bit watching a rock hit the door.

"Damn, they really don't want anyone in there," He chuckled.

"Finnick Chambers, hunter 269, searching for survivors. If there's anyone in there please open the door," He spoke in a bit of loudened voice.

A younger girl, around 6 cautiously made her way to the door.

"Made it!"

Finnick glanced at Lorelei who was racing to him. The two hunters peered inside at the little girl. Her brunette braids looked dirty along with her ripped school uniform. She pulled the lever the doors folding in. Finnick and Lorelei stepped in.

"How many are in here?" Finnick crouched by the girl as Lorelei shut the doors, walking down the hall.

The little girl looked at her fingers, counting.

"5, including Miss Berg," She answered in a soft tone.

Lorelei made it to the back of the bus where everyone was.

"Call Commander Ain, send out a helicopter." Lorelei turned.

"Got it," Finnick stood.

The little girl walked to the back as Finnick followed. Lorelei sat down on one of the seats.

"These damn seats smell the same," Lorelei grumbled.

"How do you remember the smell of bus seats?" Finnick looked at Lorelei as he sat across from her.

"Because they smell like sour shit," Lorelei rubbed her nose.

"Anyone wounded?" Finnick spoke to the group.

"I've got a scratch," Miss Berg looked at the hunters.

"From a zombie?" Lorelei furrowed her brows.

The woman nodded.

"Finnick, can I do the honors?" Lorelei glanced at Finnick who gave her a nod.

"Ma'am we need you to step outside," Lorelei looked at the woman who nodded and followed Lorelei out of the bus.

"So, what are your favorite classes?" Finnick tried to keep the children entertained.

"You have a family?" Lorelei looked at the woman as she filled her gun with bullets.

"What are you doing?" Miss Berg looked at Lorelei.

"You were scratched, I've gotta shoot you down," Lorelei answered.

"What- what?" Miss Berg studdered looking around.

"You deaf? I said I'm shooting you down," Lorelei turned to Miss Berg pointing her gun at her.

"Don't you have a better plan?" The woman panicked as tears streamed down her cheeked.

"Nope," Lorelei shot the woman in the heart.

The womans heavy limp body crashed against the ground as Lorelei walked, entering the bus.

"Lorelei, why didn't you do it the normal way?" Finnick glared at Lorelei.

"Because, if I count down until her death it'd make her scared," Lorelei sat at the back of the bus across from Finnick once more.

Finnick sighed and began to comfort the children who were sobbing.

"A helicopter is arriving in a few minutes," Finnick glared over his shoulder.

"Got it," Lorelei stood, walking to the front.

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