Chapter Sixteen We're Here!

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Lorelei sat in the helicopter, bored. Finnick and Amy were busy yapping about god knows what while Andrea listened, looking at Amy with the softened smile. Lorelei had zoned out and began to daydream.

"Lorelei! We're here!" Finnick shouted which knocked Lorelei back into the real world.

"Oh- right," Lorelei stood up and walked with Finnick.

She stared at the large hotel, flowers blossomed in the garden in front of it and the water of the fountain splashed down giving a wave of calmness and relief.

"Lorelei, you mind helping out?" Finnick looked at her.

"oh- with what?" Lorelei looked at him.

"Dragging in all the shit that people brought," Finnick nodded to the helicopter which was almost bursting with luggage.

Lorelei stared at the luggage. She then looked at Finnick.

"Fine," She walked over and grabbed two suitcases and two bookbags, swinging the bookbags on her shoulders.

She dropped them on the ground as she and Finnick began to unload.

(I know this is really short but I havent been in the mood and most of my life revolves around school currently so.)

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