Chapter Seventeen Finnick Vacuums?

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"We get to go on vacation!" Finnick ran into the room, yelling.

Lorelei pushed herself up, groaning.

"Why?" She brushed her hair out of her face and wiped some drool from her mouth.

"Why not?" Finnick took off his shirt and dug in his drawers for a new shirt.
Lorelei rolled her eyes as she pushed herself and placed her feet on the soft cushiony carpet.

"You vacuumed?" She looked at Finnick.

"Yep, they're having some students stay here while we're gone," Finnick struggled a bit putting on a shirt.

"Great," Lorelei stretched, walking.

She grabbed her clothes which were neatly folded and went to the bathroom to get dressed.

Lorelei just stared in the mirror at the messy blob of purple on her head, she glanced at the hairbrush, grabbing it. She brushed through her hair and threw on her heavy-duty camo pants. She threw on a shirt and brushed her teeth. She yawned, stretching, and walking. She sat down and yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"How are you not use to waking up early?" Andrea walked over and gave Lorelei a mug of coffee.

"No idea," Lorelei took a sip.

"Who's ready to go on vacation!" Amy smiled.

"Not me," Lorelei took another sip, burning her tongue.

"Ow," She murmured.

"We should head to the helicopters in a few hours," Andrea yawned.

"I could go back to sleep then," Lorelei glanced at the door to their room.

"No, you have to actually pack. You kept on saying you'd do it later," Finnick looked at her.

Lorelei groaned and slouched down in the couch.

"Why can't I just stay here?" She glanced at Finnick.

"Because I'll be lonely," He pouted, mocking her.

"Lonely my ass," Lorelei groaned as she stood up and walked.

She shoved clothes into a suitcase, bored.

(Sorry for the short chapter I might be uploading chapters a lot rarer because of school also the next few chapters are all gonna be me wanting my characters to be all happy and giddy also there may be a chapter mainly for me simping over Lorelei but who knows.)

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