Chapter Eleven

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Lorelei and Finnick made their way down the hall both silent. The two hunters had their arms crossed as they walked, avoiding eye-contact. As they came to the office Lorelei creaked open the door Finnick walking in. They were met with a long table, around seven people sat at the table. Commander Ain sat at the end to the right of him were two empty seats. Lorelei and Finnick walked taking a seat. Lorelei pulled out a flask chugging down around half of it as Finnick glared at her.

"Alright, Antonette, Carl, meet Lorelei and Finnick, level Z hunters," Commander Ain introduced them as the two eldest people waved.

"Carol, Bane, Lorelei, Finnick," He introduced them to the youngest.

"And lastly, I believe Finnick knows who they are but Lorelei, these are Tina and Noor, Finnick's parents also the guardians of the higher classed island," Commander Ain explained.

"Hello," Lorelei chugged down some more alcohol from the flask before tucking it in her pocket.

"Alright," Commander Ain pressed a button as a hologram appeared on the table of a 3D map.

"Over here are where most of the swarms are," He stood as he pointed to a city with his cane.

"we don't have enough strong hunters to take out the swarms so, who has an idea?" He looked around the table.

"Send out a bomb?" Carl rubbed his stubbled chin.

"That destroys the city, we can't have that," Ain murmured as he paced.

"Send the weaker hunters, we can get rid of them and get rid of around less than half of the zombies," Tina asked as she adjusted her obviously fake brown hair.

"Bitch," Lorelei murmured staring at Tina.

"Lorelei, you have an idea?" Ain looked at Lorelei.

"No Sir," Lorelei crossed her arms as she slouched in the chair.

"Maybe we could flood the streets with poisonous gas?" Finnick asked.

"They're smart, they'd find shelter," Commander Ain sighed.

"Then I guess we're screwed," Lorelei grumbled as she slouched in the chair.

"We could send in some of the higher-ranked students along with some of the higher-ranked hunters to exterminate them," Lorelei proposed.

"We could...." Commander Ain rubbed his stubbled chin.

(Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out)

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