Chapter Nine The Clock Shop

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Lorelei was quietly laying on the floor as Finnick slept on the couch. The whole apartment was black the only bit of light was from her tablet stick as she scrolled through the news.

"Dammnit, they already found out," She murmured scrolling past one of the many reports on Hannah's death.

"Go to sleep," Finnick grumbled rolling onto his side and facing the back of the couch.

Lorelei sighed as she turned off her tablet stick and laid on her back staring at the ceiling. She fiddled with her hair as she thought before she slowly fell asleep.

Lorelei and Finnick awoke to the smell of fresh coffee filling the room. Finnick sat right up and made his way to the area the smell was coming from while Lorelei groaned and buried herself in the warm light grey blanket.

"Lorelei, it's time to wake up,"

Lorelei began to wake up a bit due to the familiar voice. She glanced out of her blanket and looked up to see Andrea's soft brown eyes staring back at her.

"Good morning, Andrea," Lorelei yawned as she sat up and stretched.

Andrea stepped back her long black braid falling off her shoulder.

"Come on, I made some coffee and Amy made some oatmeal with strawberries," Andrea walked as she adjusted her light blue sweatshirt.

Lorelei stood up and hobbled over to where Finnick, Mary, and the little baby were sat. Lorelei took a seat next to Finnick.
"Who put creamer in the coffee?" She looked at the coffee, confused.

"Me, do you not like it?" Mary looked at Lorelei.

"Not really but it's fine," Lorelei murmured as she took a sip from the mug.

"Anyway, don't you two have a mission this week?" Finnick looked at Amy and Andrea who were sat down with their bowls and cups.

"Yeah, we leave at 12," Andrea spoke before she took a bite of oatmeal.

Amy had almost finished the bowl. Lorelei stared at her bowl and slowly stirred it with her spoon.

"I'm heading to the middle-class island today. Do you want me to get some baby items?" Lorelei looked at Mary who gave her a nod.

"Alright," Lorelei stood, walking.

"You gonna eat your oatmeal?" Finnick pointed his spoon to her full bowl.

"I'm not really hungry," She smiled before walking into her room.

She got dressed in a simple pair of white ripped jeans and a simple black sports bra with a black jacket. She slid on some flats and grabbed her wallet and tablet stick shoving them in her pocket.

"Anyone else needs anything?" She asked as she tied her hair into pigtails.

"Nope," They all said as Lorelei left.

She walked down the hallway as she stuck her earbuds in. People passed by her, talking and laughing. She slid down the railing of the stairs and came outside. The sun beamed down against her as she made her way to the station.

"To the middle-class island," She said as she slid her ID to the man working.

"Section 29," He told her nodding to the long hallway with doorways.

She nodded and walked to the doorway with large gold numbers above it, '29'. She walked inside and took a seat in the glass box the door closing. She sat in the box with a young woman and her two sons one around 6 and one around 13. The box rose into the air above the ocean as the box zoomed over it by the long metal railing leading to the middle island. The young boy stared out of the glass box his eyes wide and his jaw dropped on the floor. The eldest boy's eyes were glued to his tablet stick while the Mother sat half asleep Lorelei assumed . As the glass box stopped she left the station and headed to the plaza. People hurried around despite the time. Lorelei headed into a simple shop which sold what seemed to be clocks. She had her earbuds out as she roamed the aisles, listening to the ticking of the clocks. They seemed to calm her.

"Can I help you?" An old freckled man walked up to her, his cane tapping against the ground.

"Oh- no thanks, I'm just looking," Lorelei smiled.

"I see....." The man thought before disappearing into a different aisle.

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