Chapter Twelve Alcohol=Mistakes

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"We could just send in the students during the weird hotel thing you hunters do," Captain Ain suggested.

"Good idea," Finnick nodded.

Commander Ain glanced around as the others nodded.

"Then it's settled, we'll send them out next week,"

Lorelei and Finnick made up after Finnick broke Amy's door and he had to ask Lorelei for help to repair it.

"Are you excited about the hotel trip!?" Amy yelled as she threw herself on the couch.

"I don't go, remember?" Lorelei glanced at Amy.

"Ooooh, you don't remember?" Amy rose a brow.

Amy began to explain

(epic flashback)

Lorelei was sat on the couch drinking some sort of rum when Amy skipped in.

"Hey, Lorelei~?" Amy asked as Lorelei turned her head, obviously drunk Amy saw this as a good idea to ask.

"What?" Lorelei asked taking a drink.

"Can you go to the hotel with us this summer?" Amy smiled slyly.

"Sure, whatever," Lorelei grumbled.

Lorelei groaned.

"Curse me and my alcohol," She smacked her face on the counter.

"You're gonna love it! We hang out on the beach, get delicious food. We play games and most importantly at the end of the month we have a large dance where everyone dresses up so elegantly and dance," Amy smiled.

"Great," Lorelei groaned.

"It's not that bad," Finnick walked into the room.

"I hate summer," Lorelei grumbled.

(sorry for the late update. I might be taking a break I don't know but leave a comment on this chapter if you read it cause- I kinda wanna know if people are reading the whole thing or the first chapter and just giving up. Also sorry for the crappy writing in this chapter, I'm tired :>)

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