Chapter 17

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I was walking towards the elevator when someone tapped on my shoulder making me jump.

I pulled out my earphones and turned back to see who was calling me but I found no one.

I turned around and jumped seeing that creepy guy from the cafeteria some days before.

What was his name again Jones?? Lucas??

I looked down at his id hanging around his neck yeah it’s Lucas.

“Wow, hey there scaredy-cat.”


“I waited for you in the cafeteria why didn’t you come?”

Cause I was avoiding you.

“I-I was b-busy..”

“So are you coming today?”

Well, I was thinking but now that I know you’ll be there…..

“I’m n-not sure.”

We both walked into the elevator.

While I was trying to keep my mouth shut Lucas kept on blabbering about this and that.

Finally, the elevator stopped at the 7th floor.

He got off and waved me goodbye with a big smile on his face see you later kiddo.

The elevator closed and I let out a sigh of relief.


I soon reached my floor and head towards the office, I was about to knock when I heard a woman’s voice inside followed by Mr. Martínez’s.

It was easily understood from their chat and laughing that whoever that woman as she was definitely not an employee here.

I bit my lip heard.

Should I go in?

No no, I should wait here.

Maybe they are having a private talk?

Maybe she’s his girlfriend or something.

I took some steps back and stood outside the door leaning against the wall.

The conversation inside seems to have gotten fun as I could hear her laughter.

It’s been an hour and I was still standing outside clutching my bag to my chest.

How long they are going to talk?
I let out a small yawn and saw the door opening.

Mr. Martínez opened the door and stood there looking at me.

My gaze averted from him to the gorgeous woman standing next to him.

She was so pretty and so nicely dressed she looked like a model.

“I will see you later.” Mr. Martínez told her.

She gave a slight nod and looked my way and passed a warm smile.

I nervously smiled back at her.

She walked out of the office as her heels made a sound clicking the ground and slowly fade away.

I walked inside the office.

“How long you have been standing there?” his voice cold like ice.

“No-not long.”

I felt his intense gaze on me.

He knew I was lying.

“A-An hour.”

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