All His

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Katrina's POV

"I swear if you've given me rabies I'm going to murder you," I snap smoothing my thirtieth band-aid over my body after dousing myself with hydrogen peroxide. I sit on the edge of the bed as he lounges behind me in the lab.

He only continues to lick his paw as if he couldn't hear me speak.

"I'm serious, you don't have your shots. You can't just bite people."

"I'm biting you," he purrs shooting me a haughty look from his feline eyes.

I grab the spray bottle and open a steady stream of water right into his cocky little whiskers.

He hisses loudly before leaping away shaking and spitting, "dumb bitch!" He hisses yowling as loud as he possibly can.

"Bad pussy," I tsk smirking at his evil reflective eyes narrow in on me.

"Stupid, curly haired, demon bitch! I'll claw your eyes out and shove fucking cat litter down your loud-mouthed throat! Spray me with that fucking bottle of water again and I'll bite all your fingers off, moronic imbecile-" I quickly spray him right in the face again.

He yowls in a pure kitten tantrum.

"Good kitties don't say mean things. You want to try again?" I mock him, looking down at the pits of fiery hell that are contained within his slatted kitten eyes.

"I'm sorry." He snarls like a wild animal with absolutely no sincerity.

I smile none the less.

"Are we going to talk about what's going on now?"

He snaps his angry kitten eyes towards me, "you're the worst hostage I have ever had. Is that what we're talking about?"

I snort, "oh, I'm so sorry! Have I not done enough hysterical screaming and crying for you?"

He levels me with an unimpressed look, "you talk back entirely too much."

"Well forgive the fuck out of me! I didn't know there were rules to this whole situation! Should I start rocking in the corner terrified? Oh, wait! You're a fucking kitten, a baby cat, forgive me if my hostage fear level is at an all-time low."

"Even before this, you've been defiant since hour one."

I roll my eyes, "forgive me for wanting to live. Am I supposed to just sit on my ass and cry because you keep threatening to kill me?"

"Most women would be afraid."

He was right. I should have been afraid. I mean, I still am on a basic level, but something about him was different. Almost calming in a way, or not calming, maybe fulfilling.

He didn't treat me like I was invisible like I was good for nothing more than marrying and looking pretty on his arm.

Sure, he called me stupid and pathetic but he saw something in me that others didn't. He saw that I could do more, be more, maybe I am stupid for feeling some kind of validation from an asshole with anger issues, but I did.

Sending me into that house, sending me to find Cory, trusting me to help him, maybe I was an idiot, but no one else treated me like that.

My parents hardly wanted anything more for me than a handsome rich husband. Even Lee had only seen me for what I could display to the world.

No one had ever pushed me past my limits, not like this psycho kitten who was staring at me in complete boredom.

I am pathetic.

Loving A Villain (EDITED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now