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"I wait for you
I don't know why
All I know is I can't hide
At this temperature you could take over my mind
Like gossamer, you softly touch
He draws me in, I'm powerless
He possesses an enchantment

Tell me I'm forgiven
He calls, don't know how I fell under his spell
Lately, I've been driven
He smiles an enchantment

I wait for you
I'm mesmerized
This love is like a potion in disguise
I'd tightrope walk with a blindfold on my eyes
I can't escape, or so it seems
I'd run away; he's in my dreams
He possesses an enchantment

It's the kind of sleepwalk that never ends
A type of loan with no dividends
It's a parlor game where you're giving chase

Guess it could be called an acquired taste
I know, he knows, he calls, I go, I know
This could be an enchantment"


April 1979

"You have to leave. Go back to France where it is safer. I'll come for you. I promise I will." A weeping Sirius Black pleaded his one and only love who was carrying their first child, hand clasping her face as her eyes brimmed with tears. 

"But..." her voice sullen, "Just come with me. It is safer for both of us," she sobbed, burying her face in his neck as she tried taking in the thought of parting ways due to the upcoming war. 

"I cannot. I belong here. When all this is over, we will be a proper family. I promise." 

With heavy hearts, Sirius and  Anaïs parted ways, in hopes to keep their child safe from the impending war. 

Seven months later, Anaïs gave birth to their child -- a girl. She waited for him, longed for him. All the while, they were in constant communication, although, letters did not always suffice. Sirius left a gaping hole in her heart, and so did she in his.

July 1993

The promise of family failed to come true when Sirius was wrongfully accused and imprisoned in Azkaban two years later. The man was convicted of murder, more than that, he was accused of betraying the Potters. Which was far from the truth. Sirius parted ways with his own family to fight the battle with James and Lily. He would've died than betray them.

For twelve long years he was trapped in his cell in Azkaban, fighting to keep his sanity but he can only do much. The only reason he remained alive was a photo of her daughter, one he managed to conceal. It was the only thing that gave him hope for the future. When the opportunity arose, Sirius Black escaped. Escaped the horrors of Azkaban and fled to find justice. Fled, to find his family. His daughter.

It had been 14 years since Anaïs and Sirius parted ways, but her heart still was consumed with love for Y/N's father. She raised her daughter in the knowledge of who her father is and that no matter the rumours about him were, he was innocent. And that he loves her.

Y/N Artemis Black also convinced herself that one day, her father would be free. That one day, they will be together. The news about Sirius' escaped reached them, and more than anything, it gave her hope. Despite the fact that her father was coined a killer, despite not being able to meet him yet, Y/N knew in her heart that his love for her abounds.

August 1993

Upon learning that her father escaped Azkaban, Y/N begged her mother to allow her to transfer to Hogwarts that year. It would've been her 4th year in Beauxbatons but she reckoned it would be the perfect opportunity for her to meet his father, hoping that despite the situation, his father would come looking for her once he hears that she's in Hogwarts. After all, Y/N was just as stubborn as her father.

Anaïs knew better. She knew it would never be easy to come out as Sirius Black's daughter with him on the loose. Deep inside her, she knew that Y/N would suffer because of it. But she could not keep Y/N away forever. Her daughter deserved to know and meet her father, despite how complicated it was. It was the only way for her to be whole, for once.

With a heavy heart, Anaïs penned a letter to Remus Lupin, one of Sirius' closest friends, seeking help for her daughter who was insistent to go to Hogwarts and finally come out as Sirius' daughter.

Remus agreed, hoping that this may lead him to his friend, so they can finally uncover the truth.

"Mon chérie, je t'aime." Anaïs hushed as she held Y/N's hand. They were sitting in the train station, waiting for Remus to arrive in London where they agreed to meet. It was evident that Anaïs was scared for her daughter and for what was about to happen.

Y/N saw it in her mother's eyes - fear, anxiety. A soft smile crept into her lips as she squeezed her mother's rather cold hands, "Mum, I will be okay. We both will be. I love you, mum." She mumbled under her breathed, staring straight at her mother's eyes.

It was not long until Remus arrived, tears filling his eyes as Anaïs ran towards him to give a hug. "My sweet Anaïs. It has been so long." The man breathed out, patting Anaïs' back before shifting her gaze towards her - his goddaughter, although unofficial as there were no legal papers, Sirius was as close to him as a brother.

"My sweet child," he walked towards her, carefully reaching out to cup her face, lips quivering as his tears threatened to fall. "So long... it is good to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you through your mother."

It was her first time meeting those considered as family. It had always just been Y/N and Anaïs since they lost Anaïs' parents. She did not know why, but her heart felt full just by meeting Remus. There were no awkward feelings, only familiar ones. As if she had already known him for the longest time.

"Hello, Professor Lupin..." she greeted, smiling gently up at him, remembering that she was accepted at Hogwarts due to Lupin's help, as well as Dumbledore's.

Giving her mother one last hug, Y/N bravely faced her new world and her new chance to rediscover who she truly is.


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