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Like the stars that fill the sky
Like the way I feel
when I hold you

Like the ring that's on my hand
And the promises you kept
I hold to

In the quiet of the dark
In the caverns of my heart
You shone through

My Gold
You shimmer in the light
To know is half the fight
And I know you

I was lost within the largest ocean
I was buried beneath the darkest deep
Of all the riches and the simple fortunes
You braved the depths for me"

NOTE: Flashbacks are italicized


01 April 2002

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01 April 2002

The sun shone brightly that day, like a giant spotlight lighting up the castle which had became a home not just to the couple, but the people they love as well. The spring was in full-bloom, the weather was perfect, and the vast field was teeming with life, as if all beings were ready for the celebration. It was an unusually busy Easter holiday in the castle even though the students were home for the holidays. The cheery felicitations of old students milling around and laughing with the professors since they arrived filled the halls, the families busy preparing the venue of the event, and Ceeney the house-elf managing the kitchen and catering duties for the feast that night. The castle was way more alive since the last time Y/N and George set foot in its hallowed halls nearly four years ago.

Y/N, George, and the Weasleys arrived couple of days earlier to set the venue and prepare everything for the ceremony. Professor McGonagall set up her old study and chamber in the first floor for Y/N and her bridesmaids - Ginny, Hermione, and Angelina; and Molly since it was the closest to the Great Hall. Professor Slughorn gleefully taken in George and the lads in his huge study, glad of course, to see his favourite Harry. The old professor even showered them with special liquors as an early celebration. Although the professor did not teach George and Fred, he was more than delighted to be of their acquaintance given how prestigious they were already. The other Weasleys stayed in the Gryffindor tower, and the other friends and DA members who also came a day ahead either stayed in their respective dormitories or in the flat above WWWs shop in Hogsmeade. 

Y/N and George wedding was a much awaited occasion especially for those who had known them since. It was long overdue, their friends thought, as they were practically married even in the early days of their relationship. But if there was one thing they both were good at - it was timing. They weren't just good at knowing how to make things possible when they're together, they were experts in knowing the right timing without even planning it. Y/N motivated George further his skills and strengths when they were younger, and George gave Y/N the push she needed to make her dreams into reality in the most suitable moment. Y/N was Geroge's number one fan and cheerleader when he was starting out the business with Fred, giving him the moment to shine on his own. George was Y/N's backbone when she was building her empire, providing her the support she needed emotionally and physically. They gave each other the opportunity to thrive and flourish in their own pace and in their own time. Their plans unfolded before their eyes in an ideal synchronization where both of them, especially Y/N, had finally healed from the wounds of their past. 

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