The Toad in Pink

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"Violence is an energy
Against the enemy
Violence is an energy

Bringing on the fury
The choir infantry
Revolt against the honor to obey

Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
While burning down the foreman of control

Silence is an enemy
Against your urgency
So rally up the demons of your soul

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

The insurgency will rise
When the blood's been sacrificed
Don't be blinded by the lies
In your eyes

Violence is an energy
From here to eternity
Violence is an energy
Silence is an enemy
So gimme, gimme revolution"


Her last days in Grimmauld place was quite an unusual one. The people mainly celebrated due to Ron and Hermione being prefects for the year. But, there were terrors due to Molly's woes and the boggart who seemed to haunt her. Indeed, it was one of the worst boggarts to have ever existed. 

For Y/N, however, the night was quite an emotional one. It was difficult for her to go back to Hogwarts, knowing that she would have to part from her father again. And he was all she has. On her last night, Y/N spent her time with Sirius as much as she can. She always enjoyed listening to his stories, especially those when he led mischief at Hogwarts which got him into a lot of detention. Despite their laughs, it was evident that Sirius was lonely. Both of them were due to the loss of Anais, and due to parting ways once more. 

"I don't want to go back to Hogwarts, dad." Y/N swallowed a lump of tears as she braved looking up at her father.

"But you belong there, Y/N. You have friends and future ahead of you." Sirius said, patting her back.


"No buts. Don't worry about me. And I promise I'll update you every time. You will be okay. I will be okay."

Y/N let the tears fall as she nodded, "Promise?"

"Yes. Promise. I love you, my darling."

Sirius cupped her daughter's face and pulled her into his embrace, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. Sirius did not have the chance to cradle her when she was a baby and she was a grown up now. All he wanted to do was to make up for all the lost time and be the best father he could be, but things weren't going the way he wanted it to. Y/N however was grateful for every moment she had with his father. She felt contented as long as they were together. 

"Je t'aime, papa."


Harry has been changing constantly since they got back to Hogwarts and it was quite noticeable. Y/N shrugged it at first, knowing that it might be stressed-induced due to the attacks being thrown to him and Dumbledore. In addition to that, a new enemy joined the professor line-up for that year - Dolores Umbridge, or what Y/N liked to call, a toad in pink. 

The toad has been torturing the students and hindering their ability to learn how to defend themselves. Another selfish way from Ministry to interfere at Hogwarts and Y/N was quick to identify it. Y/N had started updating Sirius about the changes the toad was making and how they had to act quickly, which Sirius agreed. 

Ron and Hermione later spoke to her about their plan to organise a meeting with Harry, to seek his help in teaching those interested the real Defence Against the Dark Arts. Y/N agreed to it saying it was a good idea, though challenged them by asking whether Harry would agree with it. Of course, Y/N and the twins were the first to sign up with the Dumbledore's Army. It was the best form of revolution, and it was true that Hogwarts wanted them to fight back.

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