All Aboard

432 15 3

1 September 1993

Being a transferee to Hogwarts was not easy. After all, it was an uncommon occurence and was just made possible with the help of the headmaster and Remus Lupin who agreed to take the post of the Defense Against the Dark Arts. Just as Lupin and Y/N arrived in the station, the professor had already warned her that once inside, he could not be of much help, especially that she's related to Sirius Black. Y/N understood. Every one was on the hunt for her father, even herself, but Y/N braved it all. She did not care that she was a new face and that her father is Sirius Black. All she cared about was to uncover the truth - about her father, about her possible future, and about herself.

Remus and Y/N parted as they boarded the train, leaving Y/N to navigate her way inside to find an empty compartment. Luckily, they were early so she was able to settle in an empty one by the far back area. Her eyes were fixed outside, watching the other side of the station, various noises filled her ears as a wave of nervousness filled her. It finally dawned to her that she might be discriminated once the students learned who she is.

Her trance was broken when a rather loud knocking shook her awake. Quickly turning her head she saw a pair of redhead twins opening the door of the compartment where she was in. The twins were very identical and it was obvious that both of them were rather mischievous.

"Sorry about that. Hope you don't mind sharing." one of them said, looking down at her as he slid the door close. "I am George. He's Fred. Weasley."

Y/N just looked up at him, nodding softly as her red lips curled into a soft smile. "No worries at all." she a answered, hastily tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she scooted closer to the window.

"I don't think I've seen you before," Fred stated, sitting across her as he studied her face, brows furrowed in confusion. Fred was obviously more upfront and rash than George, and Y/N was quick to notice it.

"Oh, yeah. I am new here..."

"First year?!" Fred asked, eyes wide in disbelief which made Y/N chuckle softly.

Y/N carried an air of sophistication, having been raised by her mother who's part-Veela. She handled herself with such poise and elegance, despite her rather young age. Her movements were gracious -- the flick of her hands, her posture, the way she threw her head down as she laughed. She was a well-bred maiden.

"Silly, no. I am in my fourth year. Transferred." She clarified looking at Fred then craning her head to look at George who was sitting beside her.

"I see. We're in our fifth. Oh, you haven't told us your name yet," George reminded rather politely as he met her gaze. Somehow, he could not stop staring at her. As if he was entranced by her mere existence.

Y/N gulped at the question but feigned a confident expression, "I am Y/N..."

"Y/N? Just Y/N? Surely you have a family name?" Fred retorted which earned a warning gaze from George.

Y/N realised people would know anyway, so she should not hide it. Not when things were about to unfold somehow.

"Black. I'm Y/N Black..." she uttered, looking down at her fingers as she fidgeted the ring her mum gave her.

"B-black? Y-you're not in a way related to..." George lips fell agape at the mention of her surname and before he could even continue, Y/N cut him off.

"I am. I am his daughter."

"Wicked!" Fred exclaimed, his expression held no prejudice which made Y/N smile at him.

"Why did you decide to come out just now? Especially now that your father is..."

Y/N turned to George who sounded a bit worried, her cold eyes meeting his warm ones. "I haven't met him... I thought this might be my chance."

"Aren't you scared?"

"Terrified," she said as-a-matter-of-factly.

Fred shook his head, "You're going to be a celebrity, Y/N. Not in a good way, unfortunately."

"Shut it, you git!" George scowled and kicked him by his legs.

"It's fine. I'm expecting the worst."

Y/N looked outside the window as she kept fiddling the edge of her dress before continuing, "I guess, the more clout and the more people talking about me will lead me to him."

"Well yes, that's a rather smart move. But what about your... safety?" the younger twin asked.

Running her fingers through her black locks, she met his gaze. The lass possessed a rather cold greyish-blue eyes, inherited from both his father and mother. But his were a beautiful shade of hazel. His gaze was something she hadn't seen before, it was warm and welcoming.

Averting her eyes as her cheek flushed, she cleared her throat. "I am not scared, in all honesty. You know why? Mass murderer? I don't think he was. Not that he is my father, no. I haven't even met him. But my mum fled to France because Sirius begged him to. If he wanted to betray the Potters, he could've just come with us into hiding. But he chose the Potters. Who would choose others when his life could be in grave peril because of a war only to betray them?"

Y/N stared intently at them unable to control the flow of words, the twins nodding their heads in agreement with her. There was a second or two of silence before Fred broke it.

"Don't worry, Y/N. You're not your father, whether or not the rumours are true." he muttered convincingly, then turned to his brother who was staring at the young lady. "Right, George?" He smirked.

George blinked rapidly, as if trying to get back to reality and breaking the spell he was into, "He's right, Y/N. Don't worry. You can count on us. From now on, we're your friends."

"Thank you," her lips curled into a soft smile before releasing a soft sigh.

At least, she wouldn't have to face things alone.


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