Dragons, Damsels, Dancing

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"It's her hair and her eyes today
That just simply take me away
And the feeling that I'm falling further in love
Makes me shiver but in a good way

All the times I have sat and stared
As she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
And she purses her lips, bats her eyes, and she plays with me
Sittin' there, slacked-jaw and nothing to say

'Cause I love her with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
'Cause she's all that I see and she's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again

It's a masterful melody
When she calls out my name to me
As the world spins around her
She laughs, rolls her eyes
And I feel like I'm fallin' but it's no surprise

'Cause I love her with all that I am
And my voice shakes along with my hands
'Cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
But I'd rather be here than on land
Yes, she's all that I see and she's all that I need
And I'm out of my league once again"

17 November 1994


The guests finally arrived few weeks prior the first task. There were delegates from Dumstrang including the famous Seeker, Krum, whom we so at the World Cup. It was nice seeing familiar faces and acquaintances from Beauxbatons as well, the academy I previously attended. The Triwizard Tournament had began and the champions were already chosen. The only problem was, Harry was chosen despite him not putting his name in the Goblet. Fred and George were eager to join and even concocted an aging potion which backfired and led the to the infirmary for a day or two. Also, it was my birthday, supposedly. But spent the whole day inside my dorm trying to think of ways on how we can help Harry since the task was just a week away.

I have been in constant communication with my parents, updating the two of what was happening and Sirius was more than worried than ever that he decided to come back near us. I, too, was afraid for Harry, but he was left with no choice but to fight.

For what seems like an eternity, my classes finally ended and I quickly made my way inside the dorm where I found a letter sitting atop my bedside table. It was from my mother.

My dear Y/N,

Happiest birthday to you, my darling. Time flies so fast, indeed. It seemed only last year when I carried you inside me and held you in my arms. I always look forward to the day when I'd see you again and be with you again. I already blew a cake for you and made a wish on your behalf by time you read this. I regret not being able to spend your birthday with you again, but know that I am celebrating with you despite our distance. I also have a parcel coming for you, something you can use for future festivities. Something to remind you of family and a starry night sky you've always loved. I hope you'll love it. Do let me know once you get it.

I plan to visit soon, but with the news of the Death Eaters becoming active, I fear it may not be the best time. Please, take care Y/N. Heed my warning. I am sure your father will say the same - don't seek troubles.

I miss you everyday, my darling daughter. I shall see you soon. Write back to me.

Je t'aime,

Just as I was busy reading the letter, Ginny burst into the room and pulled me into the common room.

"Hey, what happened?"

"Shush! Just follow me."

We threaded the down the stairs from the girls dormitory and much to my surprise, my friends gathered in the common room.

"What's this all about?" I asked, grinning widely before being pushed to sit in the middle and as soon as they did so, they all started singing the birthday song. In such a perfect timing before the song ended, George emerged from the crowd, holding a birthday cake with sparkling candles on top of it.

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