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"How do you really measure the years?
By the hourglass or the traveled fields?
And I'll still the hand that fixes time
'Cause I've got a love that won't run dry

Hold me close, never let go
Beating hearts, and they echo, echo
This love is endless
This love is endless
This love is, my love is

You are what I've searched to find
Like a sky with no horizon line
Oh my love will stretch the earth
To show you what your heart is worth

Pen to page, we'll live on
When centuries have come and gone
Oh, my heart will span the river wide
'Cause I've got a love that won't run dry"


December 1996


This was my first Christmas with both my parents gone. I was used to waking up with my mum tangling herself around me in bed, or when I spent my first Christmas away from her, woke up to dozens of gifts to remind me of her. There was a Christmas I spent dancing with George in the Yule Ball. And the previous year's lonely yet hopeful Christmas - the first Christmas without my mum, and the first and last Christmas I spent with Sirius. Had I known I'd lose them, I would've gone greater lengths to save them.

This year was different. It was the first Christmas I spent in the Burrow with the Weasleys and some of the Order. I was lucky to have found new family in them, and despite my losses, I was somehow still happy. I reckoned my parents would not want me to wallow in my own self-pity. More than that, I had George with me on that special day. Like how he always was with me on any normal day. He easily became my everything and his love was something I never thought I needed, but now can't let go of.

It was chilly yet festive morning, as the holidays had always been despite what had been happening. Noise from outside had started filling our place as yuletide carols played from the few open stores nearby, which pulled me away from my slumber. I woke up with my head pounding and body shivering despite being all tangled with George as we snuggled under the blanket in previous night's clothes. I hated it whenever he did that but that day was an exception. I figured we were both too intoxicated to clean-up. Fred, George, and myself had early celebration the night and indulged in one too many Butterbeers and Firewhisky.

Reaching out to check my pocket watch, I jumped out of bed realising that we were already running late and Mrs. Weasley was expecting us to have lunch in the Burrow. Of course, that meant that she'd be expecting my help in the kitchen, too.

"Oh gods!"

Scratching my head, I heard a loud guttural groan from beside me, then felt George's arms hauling me back to bed. "Too early, love. Let's stay in bed. It's cold outside." he mumbled against my neck, pressing languid kisses that sent electric shocks down my spine.

"We have to get up, love! It's quarter past ten!"


I reluctantly pulled away and shook him awake, watching his face contort. I could put George's face beside the description of the word "hang-over". His face was scrunched in a frown as he nestled in the warmth of the blanket and the pillows.

"Come on, love." I whispered, brushing his flaming hair back to see more of his adorable face which never failed to make me smile. "Mrs. Weasley will kill us if we're late!"

George pried his eyes open and squinted from the light, despite his obvious headache, he managed to look up and give me a playful, kissy face. "Just one, babe."

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