Survival and Living Proof

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"The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
Emeralds from mountains and thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth

Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above

I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be love suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival, you're my living proof
My love is alive and not dead"



It was an unusually cold night despite the summer season fast approaching. As I went outside my room to help myself with a glass of water, a huge ball of light made its way into the dark living area, lighting up the room. I recognised quickly that it was a weasel, Mr. Weasley's patronus and my heart sank immediately. It was almost midnight and sending a message at this hour meant something's wrong.

"George! Fred!" I called, keeping watch of the Patronus and waiting for the message.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" George scurried towards the hallway to where I was, quickly checking for any signs of injury before he finally noticed the floating Patronus.

"Blimey. Fred, come quick!" yelled George, pulling me closer to his side by my waist.

When Fred finally emerged from his slumber, Mr. Weasley's voice finally filled the room.

"Travel quick and be safe. Bill's in the hospital at Hogwarts, safe. Dumbledore's gone."

I felt blood leaving me as the words echoed. Dumbledore's gone. I was unable to believe it, as if my whole being refused to accept the fact that he indeed was gone. It meant that all our hunch about the unusual activities might've been true. More than that, Bill was in the hospital and I felt the twins worried sick.

As tears finally sprang from my eyes, George pressed a kiss on my forehead and held me close. "We'd have to go, now."

"Yeah. I'll pack everything in my satchel, in case we needed to stay for long."

Fred and George quickly went back to their room to pack their belongings while I readied my satchel. I found it of great use to have the undetectable extension charm which helped me carry everything we'd need for a couple of days.

"We need to Apparate to Hogsmeade and send message to dad once there." Fred suggested, fixing his jumper.

George and I added protective enchantments in the store while I brought the safe with me as we travelled. He reckoned it would be safer carrying it with us along with some items that might be of use while we were gone. My satchel had protective enchantments which Fred and George did themselves, to make sure that it would only open on my order or those people I trust such as the two of them.

Once we were all packed, Fred instructed that we should be meet in front of Zonko's joke shop which George agreed with. Since we were apparating from such a far distance, I knew it'd be easier to split up. Fred went on his own along with my satchel safely strapped on him while George held me tight as he apparated us to Hogsmeade. I never liked apparition - the sensation of being sucked into a rubber tube for a couple of second was sickening but it was the fastest way to travel. We arrived in the village few seconds later and I conjured a patronus to let Arthur know that we were at the gates. Quick enough, the gates opened and we were inside in no time. Both Fred and George hurried towards the hospital wing while I trailed behind them, my eyes wandering around the school, seeing the remnants of struggle that evening.

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