Chapter 3

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I sat on my bed, deep in thought. Outside, cars zoomed on the road, breaking the silence of the night air. I stared at my left hand, pondering how much easier life would have been without that mark. I wouldn't have been abandoned by my real parents, I wouldn't be constantly bullied and teased. I could have been an average, happy teenager.

Suddenly angry with myself, I started rubbing the mark furiously. "Get off will you?" I growled. But of course it didn't, despite my sixteen years of effort. It was like a permanent border between me and normalcy.

The door creaked open,"Ally?" Mum's head poked through the gap,"You best get some sleep, it's a school night."

"Okay," I laid down and pulled the blanket up to my chin.

Mum switched off the light,"Night Allison."

"Night mum."

The door shut and Mum's footsteps could be heard down the hall, getting softer by the minute.

I smiled. At least the mark did something good. It gave me Heather & James as my new parents. And they were good parents, probably better than my real ones would have ever been. They took care and showered love on me, without shunning me. Unlike others I knew.

My thoughts drifted back to the mark. Heather has one too, I thought. But whenever I tried asking her about it, she'd merely smile mysteriously at me and say,"The time isn't right yet, Allison. Be patient and you'll get answers soon." I could literally quote that whole sentence word by word and it frustrated me to no end.

I shifted. Why couldn't she tell me? Why did she have to wait for 'the right time'? What was this mark? It didn't even do anything, for God's sake!

I sighed. Dear God, I prayed, please help me understand. I need answers for my questions but Mum refuses to give me them. What should I do?

I flipped around in my bed, feeling my eyelids grow heavier by the second. What should I do? I shut out the world and my thoughts and let the welcoming darkness envelope me.

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