Not the headlines!

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Not the headlines!

Joey let me settle in last night. And he is a very clean guy.

Anyways I walk into the training centre today. I told Joey to meet me here. We need to talk with Lamar.

When Joey arrives we walk up.

"Don't be intimidated, Lamar is a teddy bear. Just let me do all the talking," I tell him.

He nods.

I push open the door, "hey Lamar I- you've got to be kidding me."

"Hey! Watch your tone." Lamar says.

Amarion is sitting right beside him.

"Lamar, can I talk to you... privately?"

"Who's he?" Amarion asks.

I glance at Joey just as he is going to reply and I put my hand over his mouth. "Lamar please." I give him my sad eyes.

"Ugh, fine Mar get out."

Amarion gets up and walks past us. I push the back of his leg in, making him trip. Then I close the door.

"Play nice," Lamar warns me.

"Okay, so this is Joey Easterbrook. Please let me train him."

"Izzy you are booked for like the next three years."

"I think it's obvious that he should fill Amarion's slot."

Joey looks at me like I'm insane, "Isabella how dare you to suggest dropping our biggest success?"

"Uncle Lamar! I am the biggest success. I went to the Olympics twice. I was the one who got Amarion through qualifiers. I was the one who trained him for gold! I am not training him after what he did to me." I rage.

Lamar sighs, "You are right. I'm sorry. You are the biggest success. But the boy seems sorry."

"You did not just go there! He slept with my sister! He hasn't even told me that he's sorry! He can't take responsibility and say he did it. He wants to put all the blame on Stella! I am not training Amarion and that's that." I heave. I am such an idiot, I said all of that in front of Joey.

Mental facepalm.

"How do you know he can make it?"

"He's got the face. He's got the will. He gave me a new home..."

"Can he deal with... you know?"

He's talking about the fans.

"Well, Joey how did you feel yesterday after running away from a group of children?" I turn to him.

Joey begins to laugh. "It was exhilarating, like a new type of training."

Lamar's face drops, "Wait. You were running with him? I saw that on the cameras. Izzy, it's in the papers."

"What do you mean it's in the papers?" I pull out my phone and put my name in the google search bar.

Isabella Jackson runs away from a group of fans with a new man.

Isabella Jackson... is she cheating on Amarion Jacobs?

Isabella Jackson runs with new arm candy.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

Not the headlines!

"I'll fix this later. But Lamar, give him a chance." I say desperately.

"The question is... can he pay?"

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