The media

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The media

"What! You know I'm on vacation Bella!"

I groan, "Bella is so girly please call me Izzy."

I just got a hold of Afi.

"It's past midnight in Spain! What happened that it couldn't wait till I got back?"

"See how you said to stay unseen... I kinda screamed my name in the middle of a park and I'm all over the news."

She's silent meaning she went to search me up.

"Well, are you cheating on Mari?"

"You know I'm not like that. Afi, I caught him and Stella in my bed. I broke up with him. I live with Joey. That guy in the pictures. I'm training him."

"Pictures what pictures? There are videos of Mari tryna fight some guy and you stood in front of him." Afi says utterly confused.

Why does the media move so fast?

"I'm going to turn on my work phone just for you." She says.

I hear a burst of notifications on the other line.

"It's been just over 24 hours. The people want answers. Is Isabella Jackson ready to go out there?"

I avoid the media at all costs. But I hate that my reputation is going down based on a misleading form of media.

I have to clear my name. And Joey's. He's getting hate too.

I sigh, "how fast can you get Aaliyah and Cyrus over here?"

Aaliyah is my hair and makeup stylist. Cyrus is my fashion designer. I don't need them often but this is my first time going out there for everyone to see. They live in New York.

"Um, how is two days for entertainment tonight Canada?"


Two days later

3 hours before cameras start rolling

I am freaking out. How am I supposed to stay calm when I'm about to be seen by the world?

"Hey calm down you'll be fine," Joey says.

Yup! Joey's here.

I don't drive and he does. I was having a panic attack in the parking lot and begged him to stay. So now he's here...

"Stress is not good for the face. Isabella relax." Aaliyah says applying the foundation.

Aaliyah is a saint, she is naturally stunning and she loves makeup. She was my best friend before I moved to Toronto. She made me promise that if I was ever famous that she would do my makeup and ever since then she's been there no matter what.

Then there's Cyrus. He's in a way, my big brother. My parents had planned on adopting Cy but at the time he was 17 and he said there was no point. Cyrus loves fashion. He has a clothing line in New York. He always wanted to be someone. And now he is.

Cy put me in a jumpsuit. He knows that dresses aren't exactly my thing. And I can't go out there looking like I just walked out of a skatepark... Aaliyah gave me a natural glam look. I gave her free range and she killed it. I no longer had in my weave. My natural hair poofed all over the place. I felt like myself and that's all I could want.

"Miss Jackson you are on in five, please make your way onto the set." I hear being called through the sound system.

"Don't worry you'll be great," Cyrus tells me.

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