𝕆𝕔 #𝟚

545 10 37

This oc belongs to SlytherininPanem

My writing in bold
Their writing in normal

Don't take my advice to seriously!

Mostly compliments more the criticism, unless you want more criticism.


Name:  Chikyu Hokori

I don't know why but my first thought was ouran highschool host cluB iM sO soRry-

But I've never heard that name before, sounds kinda clAssY

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthday: February 14th

Aquarius gangggggggG.

I love characters who are friggin born on holiday's so that's greAt

Sexuality: lesbian

We love a lesbian Icon.

Height: 5'8

That's like the height of Togami's legs all together-

What am I doing with my life I'm soRry-

BuT yes tAll goRl

Weight: 140 lbs

Uwu healthy gorl

Ethnicity: 1/4 japanese 3/4 russian(can speak both languages fluently)

Ooo I like the mixture. I'm wondering how the parents met that'd be an interesting story-

I also wish the game had more people with different ethnicities or openly know other languages- aLl I kNow iS Togami kNows frEnch

SHSL/Ultimate: Gym trainer (basically works out a lot at the gym)

I don't know why but I feel like if nekomaru and Akane had a child this would be them-

But I've never thought of that talent before, it's quite neaT

Crush: another oc

OOo I wonDer-

Personality: Confident and friendly

AkAne? is tHat yoU-

Appearance: plain blonde hair tied up in a ponytail by a red scrunchie, a muted grey crop top exposing tanned abs. Tight black leggings and a green towel permanently around her neck.

Ooo yeah very fitting for her talent. I like the that you added a towel though, I'm wondering why it's permanently there though?

Backstory: Her parents were divorced  and she spent nine months with her father in Japan for schooling and three months with her mother in russia for the summer. She had a little brother, but he got into a car accident and died right in front of her and she's been scared of sudden loud noises ever since.

I like how she doesn't stay in one solid place and went between Russia and Japan, I'm guessing she had to be fluent to be in both places which explains the earlier explination. I also like the story behind her brother- the addition over her fear also adds to the story. Live for long explanations 👌

Likes: The color magenta , treadmills, swimming

Aww, I feel like she's be really good friends with Aoi, Akane, and Nekomaru based on her interests

Dislikes: milk chocolate, bees

GasP- mIlK cHocolate? I mean bees are fricking terrifying I don't blame you-

Fears: Sudden loud noises, not knowing what's going on, Monokuma

Man, she would have been driving terrified of the killing game then.

And ball Monokuma is scarier-

Tread lightly in final fear:

Chikyu is placed in a gym with spikes on the walls, which are slowly closing in. Panicking, she rushed to the different activities and when she does the treadmill the spikes stop closing in. However, the treadmill picks up speed the more she's on it, and eventually her legs give out on her in exertion. She falls on the floor and is crumpled and spiked.

holy moly I-

This Execution is amazing. I love how detailed it is and how fitting it is for her talent! I low key wish that the Execution was a real Execution for the game

Unused murder: If she didn't kill someone, she would have survived. She alike the Souda of the group

I need more souda's in my life-

Reaction to a body being discovered: freaking out and hiding in their room for as long as possible

I mean , I don't blame her jdjdjd

Game they are from: my own fangame :)

That's so cool :)

Thank you so much for submitting your oc! Overall I give 13/10 I really like this OC!

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