𝕄𝕪 𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕆𝕔 #𝟛

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This is an oc of mine, you call scroll past this page or Criticize them of you'd like!

TW: Blood talk?

Name: Isabella Cloverlane

Nicknames: Izzy, Blood-sucker

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: November 13th, Scorpio

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'7

Weight: 140 lbs

Ethnicity: 100% American

Ultimate: Ultimate Vampire Wanna-be, SHSL Blood collector

Crush: Anyone who's willing to give them their blood(Sonia Nevermind)

Best friend: Nagito Komaeda, Mikan Tsumiki, Another Oc of mine

Enemy: Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Souda

Siblings: Michael Cloverlane, Rika Cloverlane (Sister in-law, married to Michael cloverlane)

Personality: She's very tricky and sneaky, but she always seems to have a positive additude. She seems to never be sad unless you refuse to give her a blood sample. She's not very pushy but can be forceful if she needs to be. She takes other people's blood, well she asks first, but she uses it to drink and guess your personality based on what she tastes.

Appearance: black hair with blue and green tips at medium length that tied into a braid. Her eyes are naturally grey but she wears white contact lenses. She has somehow very, VERY sharp teeth. Sharper then a kitchen knife. Her mouth also has odd scars on them. She wears a black leather jacket that only goes to her mid torso, a picture of red lips on the back. She wears a purple crop top under it that's lightly ripped and shows her cleavage. She also wears a black leather skirt with white buttons on the front with fishnets and stripper boots.

(Warning: messup up stuff, knife and blood mention)
She has a strong relationship with her mother, who happens to be in a clan of ghost hunters. So evee since she was young she's been surrounded by paranormal activity. Her father didn't believe in it. One day, her mother told her about vampires and how they used to exist. She got so excited she wanted to tell her father about it. So of course, she went up to him and told him about it. She rambled on and on for about an hour until her father got fed up. He took a kitchen knife and began putting it in her mouth and scrapping it against her teeth. He said "If you wanna be a vampire so bad, let me help you with that". He also began cutting up her mouth so she wouldn't be able to speak that well. Her father got arrested and was put into prison. They informed her mother and her older brother about this and they shunned him from their family. Ever since that day shes been slowly making herself more and more like a vampire which soon led her in being in horror movies and inside of horror houses. Hopes Peak asked her to enroll, and she accepted.

Likes: Blood, The occult, Serial killers, horror movies, despair, Hope

Dislikes: Slice of life movies, Manga, Knives, Her brothers wife

Unused Execution:

Ghost hunt!

Isabella would be given a vaccum, she'd be put into a haunted house. The house would soon begin to hill up with blood and ghost-like Monokuma's. Those big pipe music machines would be playing in the background as she tries to swimp fod her life while wacking the Monokuma's dressed as ghosts. She'd eventually drown to death on the blood.

Unused murder:
Isabella would most likely wouldn't be killed, she is a survivor of my fanfame but if she was to be killed she would probably be betrayed.

Reaction to a body being discovered: "wait! Can I have their blood? JUst A TEENY BIT-"

Game they're from: my own fanfamr, but if in another game I'd be super danganronpa 2

Additional info: her favorite horror movie is the shining

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