𝕆𝕔 #𝟙𝟝

153 4 15

This Oc belongs to Random_nerd4

Bold writing is mine
Normal writing is theirs

There's Two Oc's for this one I'm excited jdjdjd


Name: Emi Yamaha

:0 that's a really cute name hOld up

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: June 15th

Ooo a gemini

Zodiac Sign: Gemini ♊️

Sexuality: Aro

That's really neat 🥺 there aren't enough aro or ace characters in fandoms or  for Ocs.

Height: 5’9(175.26cm)

OH sHe tAll tAll

Weight: 105lbs

Ethnicity: Japanese

Japanese QuEen

Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Seer

Hold up lemme just look up that word real quick my brain cells left me years ago-

Oh wait I looked it up and thatd actually really cool hold uP

Even though I didn't know what it was at first,that's such a unique talent. It kind of reminds me of Yasuhiro's except it's kinda different from what he does.

But I love the creativity 🥺

Best Friend: Nagito


Enemy: Kazuichi


Siblings: Daishi Yamaha and Nori Yamaha

I read that as daichi and my mind went into haikyuu mode for a second iM sorry-

Personality: Emi is snarky, sarcastic, rude, very opinionated, and gets easily bored but she’s also protective and caring over those she likes.

Interesting, that's kind of how I imagined her to be when I read her talent and Im not exactly sure why? I don't know why but she'd giving me Mukuro and kyoko Vibes

Appearance: Emi’s really pale. She has waist length light pink hair with white tips on the end and has round blue eyes. She wears a lavender tank top, black poofs knee length skirt with white polka dots, dark grey knee high socks, black ankle length combat boots with golden buckles, and a long black fluffy coat.

:0 holy I love her outfit-

Even if it doesn't really fit her talent it's still really cute- well actually now that I think about it I don't know if there is an outfit that'd fit her talent-

But it's so cute especially the skirt I'm kdjdjdjd

Backstory: Emi was born to a family who already had a ten year old son, Daishi Yamaha, who was supper excited to have a little sister. Two years later; Nori was born but unfortunately their mother died in childbirth. Their father died three years later in a fire after saving Emi who was trapped in the house. Daishi got custody over Emi and Nori, it was good for three years until Daishi started dating a girl named Mina. Mina was terrible, but Emi didn't realize anything since she was only eight years old until Daishi said she couldn't call him 'Dai-Dai' anymore. Mina had made the excuse that it was her nickname for him and that she didn't want others to think it was something anyone could call him. A year later when Emi was nine is when she started having weird visions and psychic dreams about the future and when she touched someone it allowed her to see into their past. She freaked out and went to Daishi, who told Mina and said she was just faking it to get attention. They didn't stop, but she didn't get believed until she was eleven. When she was eleven, Mina moved into the house and discovered that Emi's psychic visions and dreams were real and very accurate. She used Emi to gain herself the spotlight, giving Daishi it to sometimes. They became wealthier and more popular, though Nori went unnoticed and Emi was uncomfortable with all the attention she was getting for all of this. Mina had also started getting weirder, coming into Emi's room and running her hands up and down her arms and calling Emi her 'favorite'. When she was almost twelve, she started coming home to Daishi and Mina beating Nori.
- They'd always have an excuse, or multiple and vague blackmailing/threatening, on why Emi should just let it continue and she would. She would tend to his wounds afterwards, promising to make them pay one day. When she was thirteen, she came home to Daishi and Mina stabbing and beating Nori. She freaked out, them excusing it as they needed him out of the way and then they were moving to the Bahamas. She grabbed a knife from the kitchen, killing the two herself but it was to late for Nori who had died bleeding out. They put a detective on the case to solve if Emi really did kill the self defense, the evidence proving enough she did, and she got to live by herself until Hope's Peak sent a letter to her asking her to come as the Ultimate Seer

Holy sh-

This is probably one of the most detailed back stories I've seen but I love how well it fits in. It's something that's not really simple and I love that about it. How it's so character building and how there's even characters that contribute to that.

I also like the intensity it gives you. It gets me interested in her character per say.

The fact she's also seen death and caused death a lot already could also contribute a lot of she was in the killing game.

Likes: Horror, Sci-fi, books, and mysteries

Hecc yeah horror is amazing

Dislikes: Romance, her brother; Daishi, and Mina

I don't blame her after all she went through

Fears: Fire, being manipulated, manipulating someone, love, and falling in love

Fire is also scary as hell-

Unused Execution: Bombs Away

(Cool title)

Emi is placed on a smaller version of an Island with a bunch of heavy objects falling near her, though she can easily avoid them, soon it’s revealed they are all bombs and explode, killing her.

Ooo this is intereting, does it have to do with her fear? It's surely is cool one , I've never seen an Execution with bombs I don't think

Unused Murder: You can’t kill her, she’ll be able to see it happen and stop it

ShE gOt SkIlL

Reaction to a body being discovered: She already knew this was going to happen, why would she care? Spoiler alert; she cared at one of the deaths!

:0 was it nagito?

Game she’s from: Goodbye Despair!

Frick yeah goodbye despair is awesome

Additional Information: Emi serves as another sort of antagonist, acting antagonistic towards most of the other characters besides Nagito

That's really cool! We love an antagonist

Anyways! Thank you for submitting! I'm gonna try and review your other Of soon! I rate her a 17/10 :)

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