𝕆𝕔 #𝟙𝟟

142 5 29

This Oc belongs to KawiiCookie13

Bold writing is mine
Normal writing is theirs


Name: Tristan Drakizō

:0 I'm intrigued, there's barley any English names of Oc's

Nicknames: Lollipop, sugar fairy, and cotton candy kiss

SUgAr fAirY-

That's adorable I just died a little-

Gender: Trans Male

We love a king✨

Age: 16

Birthday: April 15, Aries ♈️

:0 This is gonna be interesting

Sexuality: Bi

Bisexual ✨Icon✨

Hight: 5,4

*cries in short*

WhY arE aLl tHese OC's still taller then mE-

But that's adorable though, we love short Bois

He still taller then Naegi tho-

Why am I making the review for the height so long-

Weight: 115

Enthnicity: 1/4 Canadian, 1/4 French, 2/4 British

That's so cool, I love how he's different and has different culture.

Ultimate Candy maker

W a I t

Wait that's actually really cool-

I've never thought of that before

I wonder what kind of Execution that would bE-

Crush: Karu Emishi, Untimate Mad Scientist (My oc)

:0 I ReMEmBer hIm-

Best Friends: Teruteru, Asahina, and Akane (Due to his skills with sweets)

🥺 Why does this warm my heart?-

Enemies: Rukuji Shinkai (Karus Crush and My Oc) because of how much his “Karu-Senpai” loves him and Kokichi for always using the wrong pronouns just to piss him off.

HIs loVe rivAl-

Also I'm about to grab kokichi and yEet him in my pond in my backyard-

I actually could do that I have a kokichi cardboard cut out I-

Siblings: his little sister Miko (😔)

:0 why the 😔 face?

Personality: Kind, Gentle, and Sweet, but can become full yandere if anyone messes with his Karu-Senpai

That's adorable-

And we love a yandere-

We need more of those-

I think-


Appearance: He has short messy pink hair with a lollipop clip in it with hot pink eyes and a dark tan skin tone. He wears a light blue shirt with a white swirl on it, blank jeans with pink stitching, light pink sneakers, a pink scarf, and has a red heart tattoo on his arm with the words “For you” on it. (Explanation is in the backstory for the tattoo)

The first think I thought of was that one guy with the Pink hair from Yarichiin B*tch Club-

IM soRrY-

I also just imagined him wearing sketchers I'm dkdnndjd

But I really love his outfit, very fitting to his ultimate even if he's not something really flashy and I think it's really cute to! ^-^

Backstory: When Tristan was young he was bullied in school for being transgender and for liking sweets so much. He never really had friends except for his little sister Miko who would support him just like his parents would. He would always make sweets for his little sister and she would judge them for him, but one day while the family were out on a picnic having fun a drunk driver had hit his sister with their car. Mikos last request to her brother was that he’d be himself and express who he is and not let anyone stop him. After that day he embraced his nature by changing his look and expressing his true nature, but most importantly he got a tattoo on his arm for his sister. After everything he got his parents to help him open his own shop called “Crazy Sweeties” and that’s how he became the Ultimate Candymaker

IM noT cryIng yoU arE-

But the fact his sister is a part of how he became the ultimate candy maker is really interesting and I like that touch to his backstory.

I also really like how he got a tattoo, that's something I didn't expect and it's still a really cool touch to him

Likes: Sweets, his senpai, and Japanese Cafes

I keep thinking of Yandere simulator Everytime I see Senpai-

Dislikes: Coffee

Me sitting here with my jug of coffee to stay awake and try to write fanfiction: 👁️👄👁️

Fear: Rollercoasters and any fast rides

I DONt blAme you tHeY arE tErrifyinG

"Fear: Water (I made a mistake. His fear is water)

:0 water is also kind of scary-

Murder: He would be found drowned in the pool with his eyes and mouth wide open

AlrighT whO mUrderEd hIm I'm aboUt tO thrOw hAnds-

Execution name: Sugar Rush!
Execution: Tristan would be trapped in a gingerbread house similar to the one in the Hansel and Gretel story. He is forced to run through the house while a witch Monokuma is chasing him and various traps are flying at him such rock candy spears, peppermint axes, and a giant jawbreaker bolder. When he thinks he gets to the exit he falls and gets stuck on caramel strips as the jaw breaker bolder comes and crushes him. After he is crushed Monokuma covers his body in chocolate and wraps him up in a candy wrapper.
Item you get from his Execution: His lollipop hairpin

I love how you added the item you get!

But this is so awesome- It's not something I expected and it's unique. Especially the witch Monokuma part.

Reaction to seeing a dead body: He’d Squeak and tense up

;-; poor boi-

Additional info: The reason why he didn’t swim up to the surface during his murder is because he can’t swim well and due to the fact that he woke up at the bottom of the pool, he has a pink shark plushie on his should (No it’s not Souda!)(This made me laugh 😂), He loves his friends but if they try and flirt with his senpai then he might try to kill them, he normally has Himiko, Asahina, Souda, Teruteru, and Fuyuhiko test out his deserts to see if they’re good, He loves Gundhams hamsters and will constantly ask to pet them (Sometimes Gundham gives in and lets him),and every time he sees Haruka Ningyō (Oc of mine that’s in this book too! :3) he has to give her a hug since he thinks she’s one of the cutest angels ever and will give her a cupcake with a more sour taste since he knows she doesn’t like sweet stuff

That's so sweet! The Haruka part made my heart melt I'm djdndjjd

But I love how you added why he died in his murder

Anywayssss thank you sm for submitting! I give him a 17/10

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